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Everything posted by JamieK

  1. JamieK

    May 2021.

  2. lovely image all around.
  3. JamieK


    You could at least, "Think," it was good instead of declaring it so. Cheers to Flaming Egos!! J
  4. JamieK


    I wince whenever someone tells me something of mine is good - such a flaming act of ego, setting themselves up as accomplished judges! As you probably remember, I have been taking terrible pictures professionally for over 13 years now, but I still prefer to humbly announce, "I like it!" ("Wince" means to make an involuntary face as if you had been caused sudden pain.)
  5. JamieK


    very dynamic colour and line.
  6. JamieK


    "It......." Wow.
  7. JamieK


    Inner Hidden Deeper Secret Meaning?? Nah. It's lovely. Do you think we all have a warm gooey side and a cold hard side?
  8. South Park explains how Family Guy is written in "Cartoon Wars: Part 1" (S10E03). Manatees push balls with ideas written on them into a special compartment where they are used to create the script. Do you also use manatees??
  9. JamieK

    Outdoor Light

    quietly clever
  10. JamieK


    Thanks a lot, Peter. I saw this statue every day for years, and never thought too much about it. I must go have a look to see who created it.
  11. Thanks P. I'm not British at all, though.
  12. I like the stormy-bright lighting conditions on this one. oh, yes, and the deeper meaning!
  13. I thought the name of this image was, "FiatoUvOhridsioGjolABC," or some nonsense foreign computerey thing like that!
  14. What it's all about. De Chirico as hell!
  15. classic Pierre! Very nice. Nice that the cocks are not the same.
  16. most interesting. seems like you've had fine weather.
  17. JamieK

    Abstract kidneys

    I aim to, you know, please...
  18. JamieK

    Abstract kidneys

    Abstract Kidneys, Psychedelic Walnut.
  19. I specialise in "not exactly cleverest."
  20. The large, empty area is a perfect stage for you theatrical endeavors.
  21. JamieK


    Thank you very much, Vincent. The statue is beneath a railway arch, so it is illuminated from 2 opposing sides, but mainly from the south side, as you noticed. best, jamie
  22. JamieK


    very interesting soft degredation.
  23. JamieK


    Thanks very much, Daniel. Nice to hear from a kindred spirit. best, jamie
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