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Everything posted by JamieK

  1. JamieK

    into forever

    Thanks Daniel. He's a great darkroom guy, an even better friend, and a truly stellar model. His intuitions are marvellous.
  2. JamieK

    really happy and fun
  3. JamieK


    Such youth in her!
  4. JamieK


    i love it
  5. Very striking, really, and all your's, the way you've chosen and combined.
  6. JamieK


    ahhhh, come on! Lions and Tigers and Bears (and pigeons and chickens).
  7. JamieK


    There is a certain pastel quality that you seem to like, along with the big staging areas in front. Will you put something in there???
  8. JamieK


    I think I was braver about pointing my camera at people then... Thanks Daniel
  9. JamieK

    the circle

    So sad... This pub is gone, a victim of Coronavirus and the pressure for development in my city. Thanks Daniel
  10. I do really love everything about it.
  11. I love it! Look at the legs on that woman! she could work on the docks!! Your PierreShadows look very natural.
  12. Classic Pierre Picture. Embodies all of your sanguine hope for humanity and caninity.
  13. JamieK


    Harmony, eh?? too much gives me a headache!
  14. JamieK


    all the repetition is bewildering! (which is good, in my opinion....)
  15. JamieK

    Wet leaves II

    as you say, and exceptionally rich assortment of colour and shape.
  16. fabulous distortion and colour!
  17. JamieK

    Berlin 2

    looks posed but still fresh.
  18. Off Balance yet harmonious
  19. very atmospheric. the light inside and out balance well.
  20. Always tricky to find the best angle to communicate what you see from a destroyed shape like this. I would say that shooting into the roof at an angle that just barely misses the top works better that what might have seemed more obvious - to shoot into the depth of the saddle shape.
  21. JamieK

    wonderful stripes! the extreme distortion of the glass is super.
  22. JamieK

    Against light.

    very tasteful and dramatic
  23. JamieK


    so peaceful
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