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Image Comments posted by madison01



    I cannpot believe someone has been mean enough to give this 4/3. I love the composition and the colour. It seems beautifully lit. Something that would be more evident if you provide a larger picture for us to view.

    Great idea.



    This is a rerking of one that I have previously requested critique

    on . I have lessened the diffuse glow and improved the skin tones.


    Hopefully, you'll like it. View large as always.



    Yep. It is Aldeburgh. Me and my mate Gavin Churcher (see his photos on photo.net as well http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?user_id=1714106) went to shoot Aldeburgh in the evening and we shot this boat loads. I brought the clouds out a bit with PS (overlaying modes), removed a distracting boat, added vignetting and colour corrected using curves.


    I want the Nikon 12-24 lens which will take amazing shots - Then the beaches of Suffolk had better be warned that I'm on my way..



    I did take about 10 shots with a variety of apertures/speeds with the intention of blending the water from one with the sky from the other.

    It just looked busy and I quite liked the 'blandness' of this one.


    ...and I like eggs so don't worry;0) Thanks John.




    This is a reworking of one of my Portraits. I have discovered new PS

    techniques which really emphasise Madison's eyes. Let me know what

    you think. View large, as always.

    The Season

    Brilliant work Naji. Whether by accident or design the plat leads the eye towards the little creatures which show nice movement, colour and form. What an excellent shot. I agree with the person who suggests that although the macro work on photo.net is of the highest quality, it just a picture of a bug. This is less detailed (or sharp) but rewards the viewer in other ways. I really like it. The readdish 'vine' and the slight lack of sharpness takes this into 6/6 category instead of 7/6 but who cares. It's superb. Well done.



    I'm flattered. Glad you like it. It was originally in colour (which I may upload) it's just that I have warmed to black and white for the standard reasons;

    1) The viewer is not distracted by the colour and is left with the form, content and tones, and

    2) The shots seem to have a classic, timeless quality which means that some of them look like they may have been taken in the thirties!


    Many of my friends prefer the colour....


    Thanks for PS'ing my photo. It's nice to see what others would do with the shot.



    This photo was shot into direct sunlight to try and pick up

    highlights on Madison's hair. I have forgiven myself for the lack of

    sharpness and the poor unsharp masking as I felt it still makes a

    nice shot. I wanted it as part of my gallery and wondered what

    people thought so - here it is.


    Viewing large betrays me slightly - so, well... don't.

    Madison XII

    I should add that this was taken as she was running past my lens so I'm thrilled at the outcome. I never (well not yet) set thing sup in a studio or use backdrops - though I might consider it in the future. Candidily taken shots, tuned by post-processing, often provide a more natural and pleasing photograph. enjoy.

    Madison XII


    This was taken at midday Today. It was taken into the sun and the use

    of fill in flash and curves brought it to it's conclusion. The

    background happily appears dark which was a happy accident.


    Let me know what you think. View large as always.

  1. Once again, I add to my daughter's eventual misery by displaying to

    the world her beautifully shocked face. (For those who think I'm

    frying my daughters eyeball, all photos of my daughters Jessie and

    Madison are taken with a bounced flash). Enjoy and View large as


  2. This is amazing. It makes mw want to buy a wideangle lens. It's perfect. Should be shot of the week.

    Oh, and thank you for all of your kind comments on my portraits. It's lovely to know that my work is being appreciated. really, thanks Carlos.

    Jessie V


    There is some nice symmetry here. Apart from anything else, I

    actually liked this shot as it uses my Wifes head as a silhouette to

    show my little girl's head. Thoughts?

    Jessie IV


    Thanks Emily. It would be nice if the D70 had such setting or I actually knew how to take a picture without having to post process. ;0)

    FYI, I use the Channel mixer on photoshop with curves and the slightest touch of diffuse glow (making sure that my diffuse glow 'colour' is just lighter than the lightest part of her face.)

    I also added the vignette by adding a new layer, putting in blocks of the darkest shade where I want the vignette to begin, I apply a Gaussian blur and then adjust the opacity of the layer.


    Thank goodness for photoshop. It makes me look like a better photographer than I actually am.


    I just hope they don't come across as overprocessed or I have failed.

    Thanks for your comment.

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