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Image Comments posted by madison01


    That's very, very flattering indeed. I always appreciate your comments Arthur. What a thing for someone to say that about my photos. Thanks very much.



    I am trying to find out which of my photographs are liked, and which

    are not. This one denotes a style that I like but would be keen to

    see what others think. I like the contrast, tones and the blacks are

    blacks, the whites are white. Let me know what you think. Thanks ,



    My jaw just hit the floor when I saw this. As I cannot fault it and I love it so much, I shall give it the 7/7 it deserves. Absolutely TOP DRAWER. Ansel Adams would have been pleased with this.



    You managed to get (at least) two great shots from this building, if it is the same one as the one of the spherized lamp/building in your portfolio.

    It's very imaginative and along with your other work attempts and succeeds to be original. Very nice.




    This is really very good.The black corners are a subjective point. I quite lik them as they ground the shot - They tell you where the frame is. They also help to indicate that this is a blanket or headwear. I love the graininess of it and I love the look on the boy's face. This is one of the best portraits that I have seen for a while. i agree with the comments about the longevity of this shot - I imagine you will 'wheel' this out in a few years time and still be pleased with it.


    Well Done and thanks for sharing,


    All Set For Snow


    The disappointed look of a child when she finds that the light

    covering of snow just isn't enough for a snowman.

    Still, being a caring Father, I couldn't miss an opportunity for a

    capture :0)

    Let me know what you think.


    I love this. I love using Shadow/Highlights. It works brilliantly and allows you to experiment with dark areas and light areas. I can't recommend it enough - I reckon I use it on nearly every photograph. Anyway - This is a great photo. I love the fact that it's offset and nice use of colour. She's a pretty little thing and like my own daughters in my gallery, some of the shots I like the best are the ones where the kids aren't all smiling their heads off. Well done!
  1. Glad you like it. The expressions on both of my daughter's faces are unbelievable at times. It's nice that in a digital world that I take so many pictures, i'm bound to catch some of them like this.

    Sunset 2


    I'm lost for words.


    OOps! No I'm not. I've just clapped my eyes on the 3/3 you received. I can't think much of the colour-blind fool who gave it that rating, It couldn't be anything less than 4/4 (above average). Still, pay no heed. (I know, it's a free world)...

  2. Oddly though, this isn't a scan. I'm not sure about the blown highlights...

    I try to make sure that there aren't any areas that are blown. They certainly weren't before I adjusted it and I've been told that some of my photos seem dark so i guess this is too light? dunno. Regarding the 'dirty scan' - does this refer to the marks on the bath - I think that's soap or highlights from the flash.

    Thanks for your comments though.

  3. Quite right. Soap mohawks are great. I refer to them as onion heads!!

    The vignette is PS. Just burning the corners slightly to focus the attention on the star.

    Also, I'm having fun turning these bath shots into 50's soap advert-lookeelikees and the vignette helps.


    Thanks for your comment.

    Bath Fun II

    Thanks for your kind comments. I liked it because of the skin tones and the eyes, which I have colour corrected slightly to acheive the look I was after. The only problem is that it betrays my DIY skills regarding grouting between bath tub and bath panel:0)

    Please Knock


    This is one of my favorite shots of my daughter. She does these

    expressions without being prompted so I can't take the credit for

    direction. Let me know what you think...

    Cheshire Cat


    If I may be so bold...

    I have colour corrected it, cropped it, used PS shadow/highlights to balance the colour, sharpened only stuff with edges (using alpha masking), added a vignette around the edge to border it and focus the eyes towards the middle.

    Oh, and added a frame as this has the effect of making the shot more 'special', taking away the 'family snap' feel.

    Also, I removed some distracting lint from the cats glove. Hope you like it.

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