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Image Comments posted by labuenaluz

  1. I agree with you this is maybe my fav landscape by the time from you Susan, I love those clouds!, and I like how you composed the scene, for sure dramatic meteo conditions are the best moments for taking some shots, 8^) saludos
  2. Nice compo Jana, you are quite dynamic in your personal search within photography 8^), loads of work upcoming, and I enjoy it!


    did you tried to shot sometime with Neutral Density filters? I think this scene would be great for using them, saludos, Rafael



    Thank you Gaetan for the nice feedback


    Mark, @f22, "2 second exposure, tripod, 0.6 ND filter for sky, and after three hours of photographic session, the stomach wanting to have breakfast URGENTLY, 8^), thanks for the nice feedback, appreciated


    regards, Rafael

    double catch

    Fantastico momento una vez mas! posees un ojo fantastico para este tipo de tomas Miguel, desde luego de lo mejorcito por estos lares, yo diria que esto es un "Triple Catch" en toda regla, un saludo


    me encanta el contraste de los dos linces, parece como si el que esta tranqui esta silueteado, yo vigilaria eso, sobre todo en el foco de su lado dcho, un saludote

    Isla Esmeralda

    Completamente de acuerdo, los verdes de las plantas, costa y agua son preciosos, me gustan mucho los claroscuros de la luz y la curva de la costa aniadiendo ambos color y composicion a la toma, probaste a bajar un poco el encuadre?, muy buena Irene, saludos


    Image and light play, this one is of my favourites from your excellent and original compositions, rounded full moon and straight architectural lines just get together fantasticaly, regards
  3. Paula thanks for stopping by and for your nice words 8^)


    Jiri, yes there where pretty obscure conditions, a grey and overcast day with the sun setting, just half an hour before it dissapeard in horizon, alltough I can see shadow detail in the hole scene including the areas you mentioned, I could rise up some levels to show even more detail but I like it how it is now 8^), thanks again for your time and comment


    Regards, Rafael



    Very nice exercise Salvatore, the composition with piolet is a brilliant and ocurrent idea, I like how you chased for the composition in special light conditions, alltought I would have looked for a wider diagonal maybe placing yourself a meter to the right, the rope diagonal is so strong it attracts a lot of attention, and the left space kind of make me wonder for its emptyness, maybe a right crop as suggested would balanced a bit the scene for me, wonderfull light, regards


    WW-2 Memorial


    This image (obviously underrated) displays a nice composition with a difficult subject, and is technically greatly handled, this is evident and clear as pristile water.


    I thought about some kind of huge insect with lots of legs in thumb 8^), saludos



    Me gusta mucho esta escena Ander, los pinchos de la valla y la ola rompiendo le dan dinamismo y agresividad, la composicion de la toma es muy buena, me gusta la linea de sombra sobre las espumas, saludos

    My left foot


    I like your alpine compositions Salvatore, there is not much to compose in foreground than rocks and snow at high alltitude peaks, the foot inclusion is interesting here


    I only wish that some of the scenery you shoot would have better light conditions, I can imagine this with crosstalk orange/pink late or early sunlight, would be really powerfull stuff for sure, cheers

    Cebra Grevi

    Miguel Angel es una delicia de foto, me encanta la simetria y la definicion del B/N en las lineas de las zebras, el ojo es un contrapunto real para lo abstracto de la imagen muy bien estudiado, me recuerda mucho a esta otra foto hecha por otra gran artista 8^), saludos
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