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Image Comments posted by labuenaluz



    De mis favoritas (junto con "naturaleza helada")de las ultimas que has subido Camilo


    La perspectiva natural es fantastica en esta, esa piedra redondeada del primer plano aportando volumen, la fuerza de las espumas debido a la larga exposicion y la roca del fondo junto con la diagonal del acantilado (vigila el halillo), hacen que todo se conjunte e interactue de maravilla. La exposicion clavadita, el nivel de detalle es fantastico en toda la escena, enhorabuena


    Fantastic capture!, love the aurora shapes and how the left trees and horizon guide into the composition, stars are a great add, totally awesome, would love to see one of these sometime!
  1. Que maravilla de composicion, me encanta la tonalidad que le has dado, y la niebla y como hace contrastar aun mas el mastil en primer plano, un ambiente marino formidable..., de pelicula, solo falta oir las bocinas de niebla y las ordenes de abordo de los capitanes, salados fotosaludos peaso artista 8^)


    Great folder Brad!, love to see them all together, excellent contrast of shadows and shapes on both halfs here, beautifull and sensual nature, did you ever thought of making a color version folder too? interesting...


    Great, excellent exposure, love the crosstalk light inceeding in woods and sand, composition with main trunk is enhanced by cloud display, great work!



    Thank you Richard, your feedback is really appreciated within this lattitudes 8^)

    I just got my tripod near the overhanging main fossile dune to register its textures, I could place the tripod in a lower point, but I would have loosed the foreground texture, the platform precipitates also dramatically a few meters to the left into a cliff to the sea

    Crater Lake


    Great composition with stunning light once again Marc!, high impact WOW!


    I love how you worked the foreground curve, that snow cornice is fantastic.


    Im not bothered by the uncomplete rim, it is indeed a nice starting visual point, did you tilt the camera a bit down for another take?, lets say upper frame where the left group of dark clouds ends, sure would love also this variant.


    I would really love to go and visit again your great land sometime!



    What a fantastic concert shot!, it has everything working as mentioned before.


    Love the guitar player pose as well as the hole interaction players/stage - spectators, Im sure the band love this take!

  2. Me gusta mucho la diagonal de la sombra del primer plano Enrique, y como despues la mirada se dirige al sol en el horionte.


    El anticiclon no acompanya mucho para pillar condiciones guapas en el cielo, pero el caracteristico mar de nubes lo compensa. Me gusta mucho la tonalidad naranja de la nieve, y es que en la bola del mundo hay espectaculo garantizado casi todos los dias ! 8^)... la zona sombria de las cabrillas tiene una dominante azul que creo es corregible, saludotes

  3. La iluminacion en la rama helada es soberbia, me encanta sobre todo como refleja las texturas de la parte mas iluminada y como contrasta con el fondo dinamico suave y neutro de agua


    Las formas de los manguitos de hielo asi como la trayectoria descendente en curva de la rama, coexisten de maravilla con las formas del rio detras con sus rocas y agua, incluso en la diagonal del tama�o de los hielos a la derecha!


    Buenisima de verdad Juan, saludos

  4. Me gusta mucho el ambiente Camilo, parece que tuviste una manyana especialmente productiva y con unas condiciones perfectas para adentrarte en el bosque


    Mi favorita de la serie es "El puente", aunque todas son muy buenas. En esta, me gusta especialmente como la oscuridad rodea y da volumen al curso del rio y la luz a traves del denso bosque, me encantaria poder admirarla a mayor tamanyo! 8^), saludos

  5. B, you allready re-added your fantastic numbers, thank you, take on land buddy and let the trip continue


    Emyr I used a high speed shutter and got myself really "anchored" to deck while pressing shutter!


    John, good point, initially it did happened to me also, being right handed, left to right usually works better for me, but with the sun to the left, like the other photo taken a bit later, the scene maybe gains in visual tension.


    What I enjoyed here, apart from the nice remembers and feelings of the navigation, and the fantastic light conditions display with the reflections on deck, main sail and boom, are the splashes on boats hull in starboard and portside, and how they completed the overall composition


    Thank you all again!



    Your feedback is really really appreciated!, it makes me feel even more inspired and grows even more my passion for photography, which is not as easy! 8^)


    Mark, Salvatore; yes, I thought maybe about some cropping on left side when I sitted back and relaxed analazing the aesthetical and compositional features, giving the scene a more square "perfect" way, but I decided to maintain the original frame I came with up there, just to convey the feeling that invaded me when I pressed the shutter, being "up" in heaven, just in the border of a deep abyss.


    After looking it some times, I also enjoyed the misty clouds and how they have a subtle interact with the tree and the obscurity


    thank you all again!





    Fantastica Saul, me encanta como la has compuesto, la primera diagonal de rocas con sus texturas y el salto de agua junto con toda su dinamica anyaden profundidad y hacen dirigir la mirada al sol en el horizonte.


    No me han gustado nunca los cielos coloreados con filtros, aunque aqui puede que si funcione mejor el contraste con la iluminacion del primer plano, el agua traslucida y en movimiento es espectacular, me quedo con las dos versiones!, saludos


    Stunning portrait!, love the exposure and light settings, rounded hat surrounds greatly the highest point; her amazing look and expression, really deep and powerfull!!


    Second ice curve - meant the stoney and melted side of snow lined on shore, its patterns inmediatelly got my attention, as I can observe in the midground shore diagonal it continues with paralelism with the shore and those wavey snow textures and stones could contrast really well with the linear water shore and reflection too I think



    I like very much how you played with the curved frosty diagonal on shore ending on the reflection with mountain and light which is supreme as well as execution


    I see some really interesant patterns with stones and curves on frost along the hole shore, lets say some steps to the right to include the second ice curve..did you tried a different compo including this?...


    Excellent display once again


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