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Image Comments posted by labuenaluz



    Pillaste un ocaso fantastico, las nubes y los reflejos son una pasada.


    No se si estudiaste un encuadre un poco mas bajo para darle algo mas de primer plano, p.ejem. bajar el tope superior hasta las nubes de la izda (1/4 aprox) no se..., vigila la mancha en el cielo de la esquina superior dcha, por lo demas a mi me parece muy buena, saludos

    Anaga - Tenerife


    Pues a mi me encanta tal como esta Pedro, el "vacio" de arena del primer plano a la izda, me ayuda a recorrer la diagonal izdaAbajo - dchaArriba, entreteniendome en numerosos detalles debido a la fantastica exposicion de toda la escena


    la luz es buenisima y ayuda a destacar el roque, me encanta la textura de la piedra principal en primer plano


    saludos y feliz a�o nuevo!

  1. Carsten thanks for your feedback, I love this wild place, Im into a four season work on this Sylvester Pine!, allready got Autumn and Summer, now its time for Winter and its fresh snow, and after Spring and its magic bloom! 8^)


    Ander muchas gracias por tu critica, de veras, el paralelismo que no sabes si buscaba y mencionas, existe de forma natural en toda la escena, ya que como puedes observar se trata de un lugar muy expuesto a los temporales de viento que lo azotan sobre todo en invierno. Queria como pudes leer en el titulo de la foto, plasmar el movimiento o dinamica de un bosque silvestre, pero un movimiento algo distinto, un movimiento estatico y a largo plazo, un rio efectivamente enmaranyado e impregnado de vida, arboles, raices, arbustos, rocas, etc... y todo ello moldeado por el viento

    saludos y gracias de nuevo por tu sincero comentario

    Take a Breath

    Fantastic capture, very appropiate tittle!, love the shadows of the wave on the white sea foam, stunning and powerfull shot!, love your wave and sea portfolio



    De nuevo una iluminacion asombrosa, parece hecha en un estudio profesional con pantallas, flashes, etc... y tu lo consigues donde vayas


    El enfoque, la definicion y textura es excelente, el pelo, los cuernos,... parece que el compi estaba carinyoso, me encanta el morro brillante del sometido!, y la cara de gusto que pone! o sera resignacion? 8^)...


    Un fotoabrazo y Felices Fiestas

  2. Great timing and display once again Jay, the leading line of contrast in waves foam and sand is fantastic, the light on the background cliff makes it for a wonderfull scene


    P:D; saw your awesome "Pastell Hell", will we see it here?...


    Best wishes and Merry PhotoChristmas!

  3. I like very much how you composed the scene Pawel, the streched backlight shadows and the tree trunk to the left make it for a good shadow distribution, and they contrast well with the redish light and leaf carpet


    I like the compo as it is, maybe would remove the little flare on foreground, and correct the little right tilt of horizon, nice suggested title


    Best regards and Seasons Greetings!

    Reach and Pull


    I agree with Julies crop, but maintaining the original top part (just little crop down where the half row and rower), I also love the dark water contrast in this one


    Merry photoChristmas!

    Puerto Llano


    Menuda dia mas guapo pillaste, justo despues de la tormenta cuando sale el sol al pasar la oscuridad y la tempestad, me gusta la exposicion y como colocaste la nube





    Estoy completamente de acuerdo con el Sr.Crosley, la composicion y texturas son brutales


    la postura de las manos es fantastica asi como la fuerza que transmite


    otra maravilla fotografica atemporal



    Great symetry in motion Frank, your latest uploads are looking great"!


    What I enjoy here are the white lines, specially from the rower arms thermic fibre, they oppose and contrast perfectly with the strucrure of rows, I could not imagine this one with a wider angle and focal distance, capturing the hole scene with the complete boat and rows silouette, the contrast with dark water is magnificent





    Salvatore, sorry for the delayed response, been quite busy lately.


    I attach a screen capture with the hole process of adjusting the levels of sky and peaks, note the selection but with the marquee feathered (in this case 50px) in order to smooth the transition, after this you just have to make a mask layer with the kind of adjustment desired (note the orange circle)..., you can see in the levels graphic that the left area is empty so there are some shadows or obscure info lost or missing, I just adjusted it to the border of the spectre captured. I recommend you to work on the original and at 100% size to see grain detail, texture, etc... hope this helps"!


    If you have any other cuestions, dont hesitate to send an email


    Saludos, Rafael




    Aesthetically the scene is magestic and makes you breath fresh alpine air Salvatore


    From the technical point of view would say you have made a great job once again up there, the composition is good, I like very much the textures of slopes and the general crosstalk of sunlight, the sky has just the correct exposure to make an adjustment with ps on the levels captured in the region where you would place a ND grad, (see result attached),


    hope this helps, nice alpine show once again, regards


    Where I Wander


    Another fantastic autumn display Walter, what I like the most here is the superbe composition along with color and texture render merging all together into a beautifull scene.


    The leaned trunk with the cascade make the opposite diagonal to the river flow adding some visual tension, the upper orange leaves framing the boulders nicely as well as the foreground strait branches of bushes, nice place to surely wander!, great show once again, regards, Rafael


    P.D: you might have tried allready to rotate horizontaly the scene, Ive done it and it comes with another excellent result

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