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Image Comments posted by labuenaluz

  1. thank you for all for the nice feedback!


    Don, yes there were a bit hazy light conditions due to the totall abscence of rain in three months, you got it!, dark return (3 hours) and without headlamp (no batteries!!..) 8^)


    Best, Rafael

    Golgota waterfall

    Fantastica composicion y ambiente JF, me encanta la entrada y la salida del agua y la curva que hace, las hojas de otonio y los verdes muestran un color buenisimo, enhorabuena!, saludos


    I like the crosstalk of sun in hole scene, specially has a nice impact in foreground rocks, deep composition, great image, well done Dave!


    Those lines and colors fluid very well, those spirals are really nice, I like your peacock view Paula, within your nice style, didnt notice the background portrait at first


    Beautifull composition and exposure again Andrew, looks like you had very nice conditions and you managed greatly, this one shines specialy because the fantastic composition and lens placement in hole scene with the four corners in perspective to the upper center, superb

    Clearing up

    Beautifull Landscape Jana!, I like very much the color palette as well as the composition w/ bushes and illuminated field, very dramatic sky (my favourites 8^)), saludos


    Pure Mediterranean cirrus power Salvatore, I like very much the composition with all the elements in scene including of course girl and volcano in horizon, a bit to the right wouldnt hurt at all, aligning for ex. the board security cables with the bottom left corner, front sail ropes would add a touch of more composition, did you took some shots with lower light conditions?... looks like a fantastic colour spectacle coming in sky w/ those clouds, the 20mm distortion does not affect scene at all, saludos

    Wings of desire


    I like your intention Salvatore, the composition with main sail and spinnaker w/very fancy colors is kind of eyecatching, I see you captured earlier those patterns


    I would like the scene more to the right alltought including mast and the perspective union, regards


    Totally agree with Thai, I like more the horizontal scene, the composition fits better, is a shame you didnt had a more dramatic sky conditions Marc, surely would have increased the impact in vertical, saludos
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