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Image Comments posted by labuenaluz



    Mark, thanks for your input, I sure realize this image is not good for everyone, personal tastes are wide and varied, but at the same time I also cant think about anonymous feedback with only average numbers and nothing else to add... (here I forgot to check the critique only box...)


    Marina, gracias!, yo tambien me alegro mucho de tu comentario, de vez en cuando subo alguna foto, pero pocas veces publico a critica, ya sabes el motivo, besos


    Ander, estoy seguro de que te sorprenderia darte cuenta de la cantidad de cuentas dobles, envidias, falsedades, absoluta falta de autoestima y criterio de grupetos de amigos/familiares que se autoayudan para tener sus fotos en la lista, etc... que existen en los foros estos..., esta foto se puede mejorar, estoy de acuerdo y estoy convencido que tu SI puedes aportar cosas para ello, de hecho creo que cualquiera puede ... 8^)


    Jesus gracias por tu comentario, Guadarrama como bien comentas, es una sierra pequenya aunque sus paisajes y luces en ocasiones son bestiales.

    Conozco bastante poco acerca del tema, pero tengo serias dudas acerca de la integridad y viabilidad del plan de las tres comunidades para declararla Parque Nacional. Podriamos hacer Parque Nacional al globo entero no?, bueno lo que queda de el... 8^) y que fueran las propias personas, es decir cada uno, los que se encargaran de cuidarlo y administrarlo... o al menos no destruirlo..., pero es demasiado utopico imaginarlo asi, tendemos al modelo "Parque Nacional" regido por la administracion; conservar para explotar - explotar para conservar, todo ello bajo tasas, impuestos, multas, etc...Si al menos se eliminaran las toneladas de plasticos, colillas y todo tipo de residuos que deja la presion y explotacion humana de modo constante... te comento esto por experiencia propia, ya que he trabajado en la nieve y no te puedes ni imaginar lo que sale cuando llega el deshielo... dantesco.... Bueno sin ir mas lejos, durante la sesion fotografica de esta imagen en cuestion, me lleve unos pocos recuerdos en forma de latas oxidadas y omnipresentes colillas... 8^), fascinante verdad??...

    Al menos espero que el mensaje de mis fotos de alguna manera conciencie a las personas en pro de lo que aun queda por conservar (por poco que sea).

    El articulo en VS creo que efectivamente sale para el proximo numero, gracias por tu apoyo


    Adjunto tres fotos de esta misma sesion donde se puede observar la gloriosa evolucion de la luz y su interaccion con el paisaje en menos de media hora, (concretamente 23 minutos)


    I attach three photos of this same session where the glorious evolution of light and its interaction with the landscape within less than half an hour can be observed, (concretely 23 minutes)


    De nuevo gracias a tod@s


    Again thank you all




    Ken, it is in a hidden valley in Guadarrama Sierra NW Madrid province,

    thanks for your comments


    And thanks to the classical feedback of the anonymous moron spitters with their fantastic 3s and 4s low numbers feedback, this is just AMUSING



    SHAMBHALA, an ideal world inside the heart, where reality smashes

    anykind of representation. There, where the life of mother earth is

    manifested with all its splendor, the place where the the soul is

    uplifted by the living roots of the true beauty, where an infinite

    mirror reflects the natural cycle and its constant change.


    Absolutelly stunning atmosphere, I like how you included the log in foreground along with the curves of the mountain and reflection. I would also rotate a bit clockwise, just to make the reflection even. The cloudy activity in sky and the light inceeding is tremendous
  1. Gracias Ander,


    la via (3 largos, 120.mts) no es muy complicada, mas bien disfrutona, 8^), la primera seccion (en la foto) y el paso de fisura a fisura es lo mas punyeterillo, lo demas ya te digo que es muy asequible. El segundo y tercer largo se protegen con lazos, los cacharros entran muy bien en las fisuras mas evidentes, son profundas, el granito es de una excelente adherencia, los liquenes no afectan (pero...cuidado con la lluvia!)


    No suelo jugarmela de primero con el equipo, hay muchas probabilidades de romper algo, incluso subiendo de segundo. Al final casi prefiero concentrarme en hacer una cosa u otra, aunque hay dias en los que uno no tiene mas remedio que estar en todo 8^)


    un saludo y gracias de nuevo



    Nathan, what a coincidence, 20kg is also moreless what it weights my full backpack (with food, cooker, zzz bag, clothes, rope, climbing irons, photogear, etc...), really a tough physical and psycological effort to afront the photoexpedition, but at the end is really worthy 8^)..., hopefully someday, I will be fitted so I can handle more weight without thraumathic consecuences!


    Michal, thanks for your response, I also do like even your version with sky a bit brighter, the horizontal flip "simplifies" the visual tension and path for the left to right readers, making the main diagonal more evident, and as Nathan observed well, the line that takes you directly from foreground to background is reinforced, specially with the symetry foreground left rock/backround right hill. I as a L to R reader, enjoy more the visual path with the original orientation, as I stay more over the different grounds with some tension, but does not send you right away with the mentioned main diagonal. It would be interesant to hear about the impressions of a R to L reader though

  2. I also do agree with Jim, alltough I can see there was no other way to include the subject tree on perspective, if just the angle would have been the opposite, the illuminated Cap would have interacted directly with it, but nature (hopefully) is the only one that dictamins this.


    On a second look, I can observe the chosen angle of trunk working with the obscure reflection adding great contrast and volume to the incoming composition and view before going to the left admiring the wonderfully enlighted Nose, just a really minor nitpick on the cutted reflection of the tallest tree, nothing relevant excellent work.


    * Vaya viajecito mas guapo, que envidiaa 8^)

    forest on fire

    Every time I see an image of aurora borealis, I just trip myself to what must be a wonderfull natural miracle. This photo has something more and special, the interaction of the silhouetted forest and the aurora, that is really fantastic and dynamic, the rendered stars on firmament is the great touch with the greatly chosen vertical format. Your work with this kind of phenomenom is stunning



    Thank you all for the nice critiques


    Nathan, I?ve got to agree with you, medium and large format offers some advantages, but some disadvantages as well, I wouldn?t be really pleased dealing with extra weight moving a few days around this place. Actually, sometimes I must rapel several meters, and afford it "easily" with my backpack and gear, I doubt it with the extra weight/volume those formats require, thanks for your time


    Michal, thanks for your critique, the transition you nicely observed over the left rocks in horizon is caused by the slight levels adjustment for the foreground and midground but not the sky, I think the intense alpine glow that succeeded briefly do work with the mood of the image adding chromathic richness to the neutral granite with the yellow lichens (personal bias). Compositionally, I worked the axis off the four corners on frame, playing with the pair of altocumulus, midground group of trees and the foreground erosioned ponds




    With a beautifull crepuscular alpen glow, the shapes of the surrounding sea of granite in la Pedriza, one of the most espectacular crags of its kind in Europe, flowed on a interesant confluence of erosion and time. Quite unknown place with great photographic possibilities, there are some areas where not many tripods have standed there ever.


    For more information please check my website http://photography.screamtabu.com, thank you

  3. What amazing conditions Aaron, that sky is marvellous. The overall feeling is great with loads of color richness, maybe the reason why some are declined by the unreal feelings. The diagonal road flows with the scene, and contrasts well with the RGB delightness. Did you steeped inside that field to photosee? Im sure there were great catchs over there too
  4. The richness on the compositional feature of this scene is magnificent, there is interest everywhere with a great balance on the elements interacting. The reflected valley on partial mist adds deepness and equlibrates the left region with the stones and ice blocks, the touch of warm reflected colors of the clouds on foreground is great.

    Dark Days #2

    A trully remarkable natural diagonal, love the background alingment with the enlighted storm, very surreal and powerfull, there is interest all grounds including foreground shells and background smashing wave, the 2sec exposure worked greatly, nice place to have a photoride! this one is in between my favs from your great seascapes and portfolio

    Devil's Marbles


    El volumen que proporciona la soberbia luz rasante a los bloques es fantastico. La composicion con la lectura izda-dcha hace que recorras la escena y te quedes atrapado en el boulder de la derecha, para luego "escapar" con el punto de fuga en las nubes justo encima.


    El contraste rojo calido/azul frio junto con los tonos de nubes y horizonte es excelente, el filtro y la peli velvia desde luego hicieron su trabajo de maravilla.


    No trabajaste una toma vertical con la piedra protagonista y el cielo? parece que las condiciones se terciaban para intentarlo, saludos y enhorabuena por tu trabajo

  5. This is an amazing photograph, I do love everything about it, the light interplay, the pastel sand, the greenish enlighted tumbleweed, the purple stone...EVERYTHING, the slight off centered tumbleweed balances greatly the surround in shadow with the light direction on stone textures and sand bank. Excellent image!



    Your great inputs are really wellcome


    Abraham, no prob, tech details; tripod, 19.0 mm, @f22, "0.5sg, +0.45EV, fill flash for foreground, the five senses; thank you for taking your time and comment


    Mark, really appreciated, I?ve been working in the graphic design market for several years, for sure a great initial formation forward the evolution of the photosenses. If you have some time, you can visit my website for further info http://photography.screamtabu.com, thank you again for your extense and nice comment



    Beautifull light conditions crossed through the heavy showers of an

    inminent alpine storm in the heights of the park, illuminating the

    scene and creating a wonderfull rainbow right in front of me, I just

    had to compose and enjoy!. Thanks for your feedback


    Great capture, love the pose of the three jumpers on bckground. Not sure if a slight crop leaving no reflection of the left flyer would enhance the scene, great image

    San Juan Mountains


    Beautifull scene Momo, foreground and background are greatly exposed and worked. I like very much the interaction between the three main elements; foregrnd flowers, tree, mountain.

    I would love to admire and compare another version with the three yellow flowers to the left corner revealing a visual diagonal with the tree, that said I think this is great and is a fine example of your very nice work

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