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Image Comments posted by shadowcatcher



    Dear Glen,


    You are magnificent, that is so clever and I had not idea you could do this so simply. Just think, no more wacky combinations of exposures for my good friend in Wyoming to moan about. Life will be boring from now on in, what have you done!


    Many, many thanks,





    Dear Wayne,


    Stunning portfolio by the way, amazing images and I salute you.


    I have been trying to use your technique but have got a little confused in Step 4 - paste the lighter image into the layer mask? How do I do this?


    I do the same as you but slightly differently, by painting out the lower half of the darker exposure to reveal the lower lighter layer? Obviously, this technique has caused my good Friend Mr Heckler to have a seizure so any tips for bettering my ham-fisted efforts are most appreciated.


    Many thanks





    Neutral Grad filter, polariser, 2 exposures of 20 secs and 30 sec, f22, combined in photoshop, saturation boosted some but not a lot and 4 pixel smart sharpen.


    Elvis has left the building.



    Dear Mr Harrington,


    I have no secrets! I shot the picture bracketed by 2 stops at f22, 2 minutes apart. I then simply combined the two exposures in photoshop CS3. I've think I over done it severely to be honest but it is an interesting effect nonetheless. I cannot describe just how beautiful it was watching the sun going down over the field and I am afraid to say I did not capture the majesty of the occasion.


    Any questions of how things are done I will share willingly unlike Andrzej Dragan who insists on 300 Euros for his technique. If you are a professional then fair enough but he's a research scientist like me. I think I must be a socialist!


    Best wishes and many thanks for taking the time to have a look and comment.



  1. And they all develop tetrahydrocannibol induced psychosis and die of lung cancer. Nothing mystical or magical about either.


    Magnificent picture, full of colour, detail and wonderful tones. You are a master of our art and we aspire to reach such dizzy heights.


    Well done,





    This is an advert for Canon 5d cameras and Sigma 70-200 f2.8

    lenses. Please view larger for the extraordinary detail possible.


    Best wishes



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