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Image Comments posted by jenniferleigh

    Sea Nettle


    No, unfortunately I didn't have it with me(not sure it would be allowed?).  If I had it with me I think I would have had more keepers.  Glad you like it :o)

    Sea Turtle


    I recently entered a canvas print version of this image into a local gallery, and have been wondering how it would be received by other people. Would love to know your thoughts! ~ thanks for your time, and for stopping in.





    You wouldn't know it from this image, but this young man has been facing an uphill battle most of his life. He has a rare, somewhat mysterious blood disorder that requires him to have blood transfusions every so many weeks, along with a regimen of medications that don't always make him feel better. To complicate things, he was recently diagnosed as having a malformation of his brain, known as Chiari Malformation. This condition causes fluid to build on the spine and could eventually cause him to ultimately lose feeling in his legs, bladder control, etc. From what I understand, these two problems are completely unrelated. If you find you have time, I ask you might spot a second to say a prayer for this little boy and his family to find peace, and that his doctors are able to determine a better way of treatment, if not ultimately a cure.

    Thanks for reading, for your time, for your comments if you've left one, and for stopping in.




    If you should like more info on either his blood disorder, or Chiari Malformation, let me know and I will furnish the web links, as I am unable to list them here.

    Wabbit Twacks?

    Really(!) nice detail. Well rounded exposure and framing, almost HDR like in the range of detail without the annoying side effects. Nice job, and way to make use of all the snow we've been getting.

    Just after sunset

    Your subject matter is very cool, however, if this was shot just after sunset, your exposure definitely does not reflect that. Your shutter speed of 1/8th is far too slow for not only the time of day, but especially for the lens you were shooting with - this shot appears handheld? IMO, I think a faster SS would give your viewer a better read on the time of day, and allow you more play with your post production, with having a sharper image and allowing you to play with levels and/or dodging/burning of details.
  1. IMO, this image would be better if in post you opened up levels in PS and took a black reading off of the tree line(?) at the bottom making for better contrast. Other than that, I would suggest trying an ISO speed much slower than 800 to minimize noise, which is abundant in this shot. Other than that, the detail in the visible craters seem to be pretty nice.

    Sweet Peppers


    Would like to know your thoughts on this image. I finally had an

    opportunity to attempt this shot and am looking to see if anyone has

    any suggestions to improve upon it. Thanks for your time and for

    stopping in.

    Blue Claw Crab


    Would like to know your thoughts on this image. Pictured is a live blue

    claw crab in a small pool of water next to a breakwater pier on North

    Padre Island in TX. The cast shadow on the left from a very larger

    boulder that this little guy calls home. He wasn't all too pleased with

    being disturbed. Thanks for stopping in and for your input.


    I like the idea of this shot, but I think there are a couple ways to, IMO, improve upon it. The structure in it's current setting is smack dab in the center of the frame, and the fencing post on the right is very distracting. I think, if you were to take a few steps to the left, align the structure to the left third of the frame, and allow the the graphic posts to flow off from to the right, it would create a more dramatic scene. This would also eliminate the building at the upper left which, to me, doesn't necessarily fit in with the main subject. I might also suggest to slightly adjust the brightness for the snow, as it appears very grey(at least on my current viewing monitor). Hope this helps some.

    Cola de Caballo

    While I am able to interpret what the subject matter is, IMO, this shot it somewhat boring. I spotted a color version of this image in your folder and actually prefer that one, as it has a greater tonal range within the water. I think the b&w version flattens the water too much in this case. You also had some other really nice shots in the set.

    Sand Dollar


    Took this during my honeymoon in October. My husband and I went for

    walks on the beach occasionally finding sand dollars. More than one

    occasion arose when one would break, so I decided to photograph them

    prior to plucking them from the sand. This is the result of one of those

    finds. Thanks for viewing - feel free to view larger too!

  2. On a morning walk during our honeymoon, several vehicles had been

    parked along the beach; this Chevrolet being one of them. I couldn't

    resist the lighting the sunrise cast over it and the backdrop. Would like

    to know your thoughts and suggestions if you have any, thanks!


    IMO, the sharpness in the vehicle is nice, however, my suggestions would be to work on composition with your rig setup. This shot, as far as like a car ad, for instance, is too high of vantage point, and the vehicle is very centered. Also, I don't think our shutter speed was slow enough, as your background is distracting in regards to trying to showcase the car. My suggestions stem from lots of time spent on car forums with guys utilizing rigs and contemplating building one of my own... Anyways, thanks for sharing and hope to see more.


    IMO, the sharpness in the vehicle is nice, however, my suggestions would be to work on composition with your rig setup. This shot, as far as like a car ad, for instance, is too high of vantage point, and the vehicle is very centered. Also, I don't think our shutter speed was slow enough, as your background is distracting in regards to trying to showcase the car. My suggestions stem from lots of time spent on car forums with guys utilizing rigs and contemplating building one of my own... Anyways, thanks for sharing and hope to see more.
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