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Image Comments posted by jennea

  1. I would have enjoyed this more if you would have focused on the nearest or farthest place setting rather than somewhere in the middle. Your middle focus would have worked if there was something particular that made that place setting unique from the rest.

    Dance fever

    I think you have a nicely composed photo, but the addition of color makes it look for lack of a better word, tacky. Please don't take that the wrong way, but you caught a festive moment very nicely, however the color detracts from your skill.

    First steps

    I like the composition, but it seems to lack contrast. The blacks just aren't truly black and the whites aren't really white. It also has a bluish tint to it. If you could fix those things I think you'd have an excellent image.


    I must first start by saying that I love this image. I'm not one to photoshop images (I still use film and the WYSIWYG mentality), but I do find the carriage a distraction. I'm not voting to take it out, but without others above stating what the object is I wouldn't have had a clue. Other than the carriage your DOF is dead on. Blurry trees, grass, and other scenery our eyes are used to comprehending. But when you include a foreign object (maybe not foreign to wedding photogs, but you have to think like a lay person for that is who you will be showing your photos to for future business) the game your mind plays trying to decipher the object draws away from the beauty of the rest of the image. What to do? Don't change a thing. In the future, however, be more contientious of how every part of the composition relates. All in all I want to repeat that I do quite enjoy this photo.
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