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Image Comments posted by albertdarmali

  1. I actually think the blue sign adds something to the picture. Without it (and some other colour), it would look too pale and boring.


    But I agree about losing the crane (and maybe the branch) and tilting the picture slightly to the right though (a few degreees).


    But overall, it's a very nice picture indeed. Very eye-catching.




    PS: Did you try slower shutter speed?



    I really like the tone and the pose. The pose is original. It's a shame about the forehead... it just need just a tiny bit more space to the left IMHO.


    Nice picture by the way. You did very well with the "whiting effect" or whatever the photography term is...



  2. Yeah, as you said, the green wasn't that green originally. But I decided to make it more outstanding so that they look tastier.


    ** As you can see in most product shots, they look nice but in real life they don't look as tempting as in the pictures at all... :)



    Glad you liked them.



    Hi Lucy, thanks for the comment.


    It's not a scanned image, I took this image awhile ago, so I can't really remember whether the grain in the flower is a natural flower texture or maybe it's just my sub-par sharpening skills. :)



    Very nice picture. the lighting is perfect for the mood. Not easy to make corns picture look beautiful like this.


    If I could add one minor thing, the corn arrangement doesn't really click (personally)/or the framing. But really, the techniques is excellent it overcomes that concern.



  3. David and Alex in search for large sausage in HK...?


    Now this photo discussion is getting creepy.. :)


    Back to that green reflection discussion, as you asked me to have a think, I think I figured it out already, sausages taste better when served with green peas.





    Thanks for the input David.


    You know what, I've been looking at this picture, and have this unsatisfied feeling that it seems like the matches need more details, more texture or something but I just can't do anything else in terms of details because they are like that in real life. (not much details in the wooden sticks part; I think it's because it's made from some sort of softer wooden material or something, that's why they don't leave much pattern)



    Very original.


    I sort of agree with David on the vertical/horizontal issue. However, I really don't mind the lines being not straight as it is now, since the shot is "different" anyway, so it actually kinda gives a bit more unorthodox feel to it.


    Maybe you should make the lines go even more uneven altogether.



    Red VI


    This one is nice. I like it.

    Nice contrast, and I actually quite dig the darker part of the picture, it adds a little bit of something in the picture.








    Personally, I think the lighting is just right already. Only that to me, the watch is slightly awkwardly positioned, and the angle is a bit too off to the left.


    It's easy to fix, just need to reposition it, experimenting on different angles and maybe a bit more focused on the details of the watch.


    I think one of the hardest things to take this kind of shot is the lighting issue, and you got that one just right already.


    So really, it's an easy fix.





    Thanks for the comment.

    the black and white was a printed black pattern (square) of A4 paper. Glad that I didn't waste the black ink for nothing. :)



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