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Image Comments posted by saddleboy



    Une tres belle photo,

    de plus pas facile a r顬iser. La PDC est excellente et la composition, bien que difficilement controlable dans ce genre de photo est excellente. Seul point n駡tif, il me semble que le focus est un peu soft (J'ai remarqu頬a meme chose sur quelques une de tes photos) se pourait il que ce soit ta lentille ?


    en tout cas c'est du joli travail, bravo.





    Please, let me know what you think, Thanks.




    About the caption, i believe it translate into something like:

    "my country IS winter"

    no sight


    And i like it very much! simple but effective idea. THE perfect eye to see nothing, except maybe what's inside his head !!

    Reminds me of.


    Joel Peter Witkins


    Warning: If your not familliar with witkins, his stuff is very intriguing but somehow scary, he works with dead body....well worth a look but also deserves a warning!


  1. MOn frere m'en parle tous le temps, la, je saurai de quoi il parle. C'est que mon frerot a chez lui un pomier d飯ratif qui donne des petites pommes rouges, a ce temps ci, les feuilles sont tomb鳠mais pas les fruits, qui sont semble t'il un r駡l pour ces oiseaux.Ces oiseaux viennent presque tout les jours se bourer la face et il sont parfois plusieurs dizaines. Mon frere a r鵳si a quelques occasions a s'assoir au pied de l'arbre avec ses jumelles pour les observer (moins de 8 pieds). Normalement ils prennent jusqu'a la fin janvier - mi f鶲ier pour tout nettoyer....


    Belle prise.





    Well done PT (i mean, the trick)....

    This one makes me feel like a kid. I'm so obsessed by understanding how to make a needle float on water that i dont really care about the photographic aspect of this shot!!

    no title


    I told you he was a damn freak..


    When minds get twisted or things seems a little obscure, Kinky is called to the rescue....

    Seven my friend you made me laugh my short out!


    Hope kinky is in a good mood!


    and i hope this is not a cover blowing episode we are witnessing here!

    no title


    I left a comment right after my first one but seems like it didn't register so here it is.


    I hate clown but i like to hate them very much...

    I agree with seven about the bussy BG and personally i would crop it portrait or square format to get rid of the unwanted part and bring more attention to what that freak, oups, i mean... that nice clown is doing!!






    I mean... i understand your idea, the paterns are delicate, flesh is delicate, even identity is delicate...but at the same time, you can cut it, scrape it, burn it, what ever, it's always the same!!! it has the propertie to restore itself over the course of a few hours/days.... isn't it



    to be or not to be delicate? that is the question!


    Technicaly speaking, i agree with what was previously said but unless you are working with a "real" macro lens, it's hard to do better. I sometimes work with a reverse ring (i assume that's what you used) and understand it's pretty hard to have any control on DOF since you have no control over apperture.

    In my opinion, this is a fine adition to the portfolio and very theme fit wise but i don't think that without the proper tools (lighting and lens) to make it stand out this image would make it outside this assignment.



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