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Image Comments posted by saddleboy



    Very good portrait, IMO it would be better if you could clone out the black hair on her chin. I know they are from the jacket but i'm sure this lovely model don't want poeples think it is actualy growing there... still like it very much.




    Very interesting shot, at first, from the thumbnail, it look like an eagle's nest on an electric tower. Just curious to know if it would be possible to leave more space on the botom part to create a more dramatic sence of fall and maybe redo this shot with a longer exposure time to induce some descending movement. anyway, I like it very much the way it is. good work


    Nina - Leaf


    I like it very much but for my personal taste i think that it would be better if the model's dress was another color to contrast with the background. good work



    This is very nice, i like the cozy atmosphere, almost mystic. The composition is good. The only thing that bother me a little bit is the yellow jacket which i find a little too "eye appealing", it kind of distract me from the scene's details.Overall a very nice image. good show!!

    Karlsruhe II


    Ignacio, as you may know by now, i'm a newcomer to photography so do not expect a technical expertise from me. I believe the greatest thing about not being a pro or an expert is that i look at a picture with an expectation for a feeling, nothing else. I have no idea if photoshop could have make it better or if there is something wrong with your camera set up,i don't know much about that kind of things. what i do know is that i like it very much. Keep on looking up the sky and you will be surprised how generous nature is. This comment will not help you much i guess but the only thing that realy matter to me and i figure for other sunset lovers is the fact that YOU where there and here is the picture for us all to enjoy.

    Great picture, thank you and bravo

    Her Majesty


    Le mont blanc a ete pris en photo tellement de fois qu'on se demande comment y mettre une touche d'originalit鮠C'est a voir...

    Maybe This one is not technicaly perfect but it reminds me so much. You should score high on Originality because it is not too comon to see this shot with no clouds on the background...

    good work!!

  1. I'm a beginer and i sure do not have what it takes to critique but i do know what i like and this one is my all time favorite. The day i come back home with a shot like this i will definitly pop a bottle of champain. Very inspiring
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