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Image Comments posted by saddleboy

    (no title)


    Wow, this is wider than wide...This person is wearing glasses AND contact lenses. It would be funny to see the tip of a telescope on the right instead of the glasses bridge. Well done, great theme fit.





    Someone help me with this title, must be a linguistic matter but it makes no sence to me, don't get me wrong, i know what they mean!! but i can'tfigure the relation with this picture or with the theme. As for this picture, sorry but it don't work for me!!


    cheers, Pascal



    very provocative,I also have mix feelings about this one.

    I agree with most of the previous comments, especialy with the fact that the faces are not realy necessary to convey the message we all perceive in the tombstone and flags... Anyway a very interesting ant tought provocative image.





    Bonjour Claude,

    I'm a gymkhana and rod鯠fan so i like this shot very much. Just curious where is that and what is the name of that event.

    Good work,





    Like Calin, theme fit is ok for me and my eye is atracted to the pipes on back ground and i think maybe this is what PT wants... There's a hole in it ! in what? that dripping device ?... OK! but what hides behind it. Look to me like a hospital room and someone in a bed, from there i can think of many holes...


    Well done PT


    This is where grandpa learned to swim, this is where dad learned to swim, this is where i learned to swim, this is where your sister learned to swim. Now, thake a deep breath...!!
  1. Bien content de te voir ici!


    Et ben, quelle surprise j'ai eu en voyant cette photo ici...


    J'en ai poste une assez semblable y'a de 硠a peu pres 2 mois. etrange similitude!!



    tu n'est pas sans savoir que le sujet des armes a feu deviens vite un sujet tres emotif et que c'est toujour risque de poster ce genre de photo. meme si certains font l'exercise de voir le cote artistique, plusieurs n'y verront qu'une glorification de la violence. je vais suivre cela avec interet. Pour ma part, je m'abstient de critiquer (a cause des similitudes) car j'aurais surement tendance a vouloir reproduire ce que j'ai fait moi meme.


    amicalement, Pascal




    Heidi in blue


    Hi Paulo,


    Why the shadow ?


    Because this is not a made shot, i was at a rodeo, she passes in front of me, stoped her horse, smiled and posed for me, so, no control over the shadows. Anyway, in my opinion, the expression is there, the lines of the face are well defined and above all , to a certain point, it's totaly normal to find shadow under a cowboy hat. The challenge is to capture the eyes, expression and the lines of the face.


    Why too blue?


    Well first, i would say because i like it and second, in my opinion, it add to the mood.


    thanks for your time,





    I like it.


    Most as been said about it so ...not much to add.

    Except that for whatever reason, first thing that crossed my mind from the thumb is "Dynosaurs". I love the texture, i see a lot of potential for sci-fi image, something like an eye in the hole...but i guess i'm a little out of topic.


    goow work, Pascal



    I like the idea.

    I agree with what was previously said, a bit dark and your main subject is too small. Choose a different crop Maybe?





    I understand mandar's point but i'm sorry to say i don't agree. Theme fit (Mechanical) is obvious and, for me, the parallel between new and old is interesting. It makes one take into consideration the labor and craftmanship involved back in a time when MECHANIC was not a part of the solution...


    Well done, Pascal

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