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Image Comments posted by saddleboy



    J'adore ton travail en general et j'aime bien cette serie en particulier. Cependant, je suis surpris de voir que tu a laiss頬a montre de ton model, je trouve que 硠brise un peu l'atmosphere en creant un contraste entre deux epoques. Si c'est voulu, il manque selon moi quelque chose... si 硠ne l'est pas 硠me de篩t un peu car tu nous a habitue a du travail soigne et une attention au details qui est selon moi remarquable. De toute maniere, c'est du beau travail et j'admire la qualit頤e ton eclairage !!




    Desole pour les accents manquants, le site ne les accepte tout simplement pas !!



    Fine shot of a fine product.

    Reminds me of my buddy Yves, The basta used to stop by with a pint of 12 years old CC and he had the bad habit of throwing away the bottle cap so we ad to finish the bottle every times...



    Thanks PT for the sweet memories.





    Very creative, i like it very much.... i also like very much the interpretation of fellow PT members. For me, even tough there's many possible interpretation, i see it as: (shit! i dont know how to express that acuratly in english) "La delivrance PAR la mort" It could be a tribute to lost one(s) but i think it's way behond this. I see it as a tribute to death itself, It's filled with symbolism, and i believe that symbolism is food for ideology so it reminds me of the ideologies that leads to colectives suicides. I was raised "Roman catholic", i was teached that there's a heaven after death (isn't it the fondation for most religions ?)... But for me, there's no hurry to find out if it's true or not! I realise i may sound incoherent and it's all due to my bad english, Just hope i make some sens !


    Very good PT, an image that make us think !





    Salut Stephane,

    I understand your point and must say i was not tooooo confortable with the composition of this shot, in fact, i must say not only with this one but also with the composition of the 1200 shots of that week end, But in a way, to fullfill the requests of the skiers themselves, i did my best to put as much of the skier as possible in the frame. The point here is they dont want to see the path or the empty space, they want to see as much of themselve as possible. The lens used for this shot is my canon 70 - 200 F4 L, I love this lens but i defenitly should have put in the extra money in order to get a F2.8. My advise to you is go for canon, not a generic brand, if you can, go for something from the L serie and best of all go for F2.8 Of all the review i've read, the

    70-200L seems to be THE lens for sport and action shot, of course there's always a situation where you need a longer tool but i would say 200mm will do the job MOST of the time. Also, what's great about this lens is the fact that it makes a very good lens for some types of portraits and for street photography.


    There's a few very good review about this lens here on p.net. you can start by looking at the sport photography forum.


    Cheers, Pascal




    Un regard a vous rendre fou ! Tres jolie photo cependant je suis daccord avec le commentaire un peu plus haut, un leger deplacement vers la droite aurait fait de cette image un 7/7.





    Typical it is! I dont know why, but I would'nt be surprised if you only receive half the comments you usually do!


    regards, Pascal

  1. Je te fais la remarque qui m'a ete faite une fois sur une photo semblable et qui a change ma perception de la photographie: ton sujet est magnifique, ta maitrise technique est aussi tres bonne, belle lumiere, bonne PDF et bonne exposition... cependant cette photo ne marche pas bien pour moi parce que tu n'a pas pris le temps de "nettoyer" ton sujet. Brindille verte qui coupe le cadre en haut a gauche, brindille de framboisier qui envahit ton sujet a droite et nous empeche de voir ses courbes magnifiques, petite pousse de sapin qui cache son cote droit... La beaute de ton sujet t'a seduite? prend garde, ca t'empeche de bien faire ton travail! dit toi aussi qu'en tant que photographe tu a le droit, le privilege et le devoir de faire tout en ton pouvoir pour montrer ton sujet a sa juste valeur!

    ca peu te sembler rude comme commentaire,je m'en excuse et t'assure que mon intention n'est pas hostile. Pour me faire pardonner je te dirai que je crois que tu est une bien meilleure photographe que moi, et qu'a en juger par le portrait de ta page d'accueil, si tu etais le sujet de l'une de mes photographie, j'aurai probablement beaucoup de difficulte a bien faire mon travail...






    Hard to tell what's real and what's not in this shot! not common to have something that centered and that symetric and still interesting, very well done.
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