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Image Comments posted by baerbel

    nipple worship

    GJ, haven't you heard?! This penis envy has long been deciphered as a myth. Naw, this is a nipple altar. My guide wore an official sign saying "Tour Guide" -they always tell the truth! :)



    Fred, having followed Dave's work for a while, I never took this shot as a serious documentary shot. Just about all of his work is tongue in cheek, though there always seems to be some serious under current for those who wish to see it. Obviously the two kids are not poor children locked up in a child labor camp, their appearance is way too 'western world' for that. You say the message and purpose is confused. Isn't that the way most issues are, though? Very little black and white in this world of ours. Below are communist children - Vietnamese. They don't have the liberties we do, they live in a communist country, they ARE poor, yet they sure look happy, don't they? Yep, it is a confusing world and sometimes a little satire and fun helps us to deal with it. Anyway, that's how I see it. B ;)

  1. Jayme, I started to reply to your last message, but then saw David's, and he said it so much better than I could have ever done. I agree with everything he said, so will add just a few quick points.


    As we all know, the cost for health insurance has increased tremedously. More and more people are either under insured or forgo insurance alltogether. Employers provided healthcare is in decline as well. The number one reason for bankruptcies is now medical bills. How can we continue like this? We do need a 'shake up', as David put it.


    I lived about one half of my life in Europe and one half here, so am very familar with Universal Healthcare. There is no need to be afraid, trust me. Though no system is perfect, Europeans as a whole certainly would not want ours. Access to health care should be a right, not a priviledge, and it certainly should not bankrupt people on a large scale.


    I know you are looking at it from a different angle, but wouldn't it be nice if insurance companies had no more say as to the treatments recommended by doctors, and if you could reduce that 'mountain of paperwork' you mentioned? It can be done.


    And as far as you becoming a greeter at Walmart for 'more pay and better health insurance benefits' - better check it out. A large number of Walmart workers are on Medicaid at present. Who pays for them? You and me, of course. So yes, we do need a change.


    Warm regards, Barb :)

    the aliens are here

    I did, Dave, but was told the red color indicated they were conservative aliens, so no actions will be taken against them at this time. I understand right wingers are even seeking legislation to allow them to vote in the November election. :)
  2. Hi Jayme,


    I love your political poster and I love your overall message. I totally agree with just about everything you said. I too have been impressed by Ron Paul's courage and conviction to go against his party's line and speak the truth. Unfortunately truth is not always pretty, so he did not get the traction he deserved and he never became the 'darling' of the right wing nor the press. His lack of charm may have been one reason, unfortunately.



    I myself have been an Obama supporter - so my only disagreement with your statements is what you said about him. I don't think he would be 'more of the same' and/or 'make a move into Iran'. On the contrary, he represents the biggest change of all of them and at this time in our history Americans want change. They are tired of being fed lies, tired of the policies of fear and division, and they yearn for a leader with true integrity, a vision and a message of hope.


    Obama has all of these qualities - and most of all he is able to inspire people. In Europe he is already called the new Kennedy. I think his willingness to talk even with our enemies, something this administration never did, will mend a lot of fences and help restore our reputation. No more 'cowboy diplomacy'!


    Hillary is also well qualified, but 20 years of Bush and Clinton reigns are plenty. A Baptist minister, who wants to change the constitution, or McCain who wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years and sang "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"? I think not. Ron Paul has no chance, I am afraid, so take another look at Obama. He is the right man, the best person, for this time in our history.


    Warm regards, Barb


    Re: Adam Kokesch video, I participated in that march in Wshington, DC on Sep, 15, 2007 - it was great!






    Dave, glad these little prisoners were yours and the shot was staged. Hopefully the grandson did not ask for a taste of water boarding as well. Cute little kids and another great choice for b&w. Barb :)
  3. Dhruba, thanks, I thought so too, that is why I combined 2 photos of mine via photoshop. I probably should have entered under 'manipulated images' instead of 'travel'. Will keep this in mind for the next time.
  4. David, I totally agree with you, but I already used a photoshop tool called 'Indians,appear'. I suppose I could have gone a step further and used the 'people,begone' one as well, but I don't want to make PN a full time job, hahaha! Thanks for your comment, though. :)


    Hmm, my guess would be, that the owner of this quaint little house, lovingly upgraded with an imposing American flag and a deprived looking bush to the far right, is a very dedicated Fox News fan. Someone recently said 'bring it on', and you sure do, Dave. Well seen - again! :)
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