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Image Comments posted by waltrude_2000


    I think the models expression and the light on her face is ok/good but I find the the background very distracting especially the hands growing out of her chin.


    I dont find it either to soft or sharp i any ways. The only thing I would have liked ( as I share your opinion about the girls expression Sharon )is to get her more focused by cropping off some window at the upper part.
  1. I checked out one of your websites and found an alternative version I think it was named Contour III that liked even more. I think that one is more of right on target and eliminates ( at least in my fantasy ) the similarity to let wind that the tree is bringing me.


    In my opinion there are two focal points. The bra and the foreground with the washingline. In between there is not much of interest ( as I see it ).

    Artistic License

    When you recognize yourself and like it it sure catches your eyes. Did. A bit dark to the left and also fiddles out at the right. Still an interesting image.
  2. You shot right into the sun or almost and that gave you a foreground that is dark whilst another part is blown out and a lensflair .Try to keep the sun behind you. Horizon is tilted and overall theres not much of interest in the image. Try finding something more precise on that beach and get closer.



    Interesting tree with interesting branches. I however think the tree looks devided in two parts

    were the upper part is so dark that it looses all detail and I also think that the PS-work is so speeded up that colors get a taste of sugar and syrup.

    When snow falls!

    Cant say that I share her joy but there is something about the picture that I like.Expressive and I also think the colors in forground/background and the young lady are in fine tune. What I find disturbing is the left part by the head. I would crop that away almost entirly. You wouldnt have the main object smack in the middle and I also think it would help focusing on what is going on.


    I like the tones and that it has touch of Rubins vase. Id however say that there is to much of dead spaces with no or less interest.I also would prefer rearranging the composition getting away from the static one. But not bad at all for being your first go.How about something like this ? Walter
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