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Image Comments posted by waltrude_2000

  1. Yes I did read the details Merni and was wondering if there was more to come. Looking forward the see the other ones. As I said I think it is an inovating and good idea and what I think could be explored even more.How about using contrasting colors as well for instance ? A bit like your sisters work. Ill be back about her work soon. Have to be off for work now ! See you soon! Walter
  2. This image has been a difficult one for me. Been looking at it many times. It is an innovativ piece for sure and maybe therefor hard to get a grip on.But I like the idea A LOT and the colors that I from the beginning found to bright have turned into a more shimmering state in my eyes. Walter

    Frosted Glass

    Read the comments above and personally I cant find any thing surreal. Really been looking for that. On the contrairy quite much of reality, with a dreamy romantic touch. Captures fine the time that has come. Stillness and darkness and also awakening past times.A time to concider, a time to die a bit and also to be reborn. Walter


    Looked at this image of yours the first time a couple of weeks ago and yes I found it a great laugh. Still do.On the other hand I couldnt make up my mind. The more I look though the more I like it.The sort of anti estethic touch. The movent in different directions.The chaos with its monkeygriping essence and seed. Not an easy picture but very very good !
  3. Did I miss this one yesterday ? Anyway I think it is a fine image. Compositition, directions and

    different areas work well. Seeing to the ratings it is a far underestimated image.Blow yer horn and keep steaming !

  4. I fancy the minimalistic grip and would, if possible, have had more ( not much, only slightly ) of the red space under the light then above. I think it would have given the image more of weight and dynamics.Regards. Walter

    Mobile Music

    Didnt have the energy to comment it as I rated since It was in the middle of the night, or more like ,early in the morning. The word for your image is Delicate.God morning and bye till next time.See you around. Walter



    My English quite often comes out from the mull of

    pop songs and as I was trying to figure out what ever it ment The one after 909 popped up but I soon rejected that clue, understanding I was on the wrong track.The good caterpillars go to heaven, the bad ones have no limit.Thanks for your little lesson. Im walking backwards and bowing. See ya ! Walter

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