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Image Comments posted by johnz

  1. Linda: That's just so true - here was this beautiful basin area in the river and on the side was this disaster. It's just a shame that people won't make the extra (though minimal) effort to place this stuff where it belongs.

    Whisper on the Water


    Overlooking an area of stagnent water I noticed the scum appeared

    like branches of a tree - the leaves on the water just add to

    illusion. Comments of any type appreciated.





    I like the composition of this shot but am a little set back by the lit letters that appear so bright. Otherwise I love the coloring especially the background. For the heck, you will see I've rated a 7/7 just to see if it would go thru since Roger said you couldn't do it anymore. In reality I'd have to go with a 5/6.

  2. The photo itself is as taken but added the bouquet in muted color.

    Any thoughts or comments about this would be appreciated. I'm

    obviously not a wedding photographer but an invitee.

    Offset separation

    I like that idea - would add a different twist to it now wouldn't it. Little comments like that are appreciated since it gives you ideas on exploring alternatives.
  3. Linda: When I first looked at this in its small version it appeared you were shooting the sky thru a rock formation. Obviously once reading the description and seeing it in a larger version I understood this wonderful shot. As usual you capture the unique. Bravo!

    Offset separation


    Thought this made an interesting concept - a simple, worn out yellow

    line painted years ago on the boardwalk. Comment or suggestions for

    improvement anyone?

    Red Rider




    Have to agree with other comments - there should be really no reason for the 3/3's on this shot or at least not without and explaination. Maybe it's not someones particular taste but still..... Many time I wish that PN would require a comment along with a rating - then at least you'd have some idea what's in their minds.


    Now, my photo "Newsies" - well I kind of expected the 3/3's but then was shocked at the 7/7. Don't know why folks do what they do -- At least I alway try to be as honest (IMHO) as I can when I rate and I would give this one a 5/6.





    Obviously this is a secret code - not known to all -- for you see there is a five then missing "one" five and a "five" 5-15... Hmmmmmm = Family secret??

    Nice picture...again.




    The sepia tone on this shot really makes the picture in my opinion. It's so better defined than the original color. Nice job as usual. See you soon back in the states.






    This is really a nicely detailed shot. Wonderful how you even managed to get the bug to pose. I wonder though if a shot like this might be better in a color and not a black and white. While the shot of the rocky shore was spectacular in B&W this appears to me to need something else. Forgive me for posting an alternative here but it's only a thought and idea.



    Truly an awsome shot here Roger. I've never had success capturing rainbows, guess I'll just have to keep searching for that pot of gold. Wonderful job as usual.


    Hmmm: I noticed you also managed to catch the "Z" how interesting - anyone in the family make this? This is a really cool image that I'd bet would look even better at a larger scale. Nice work!
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