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Image Comments posted by johnz



    Mike: I like the shot and the location my only comment, good, bad or indifferent would be that I would have cropped it on both sides allowing you to focus in on the couple. With such a large expanse of background you keep looking around rather than focus directly on the couple. Just a quick example.



    Nice Shot Linda: Bunch of curious pups --- guess the three to the left were posing for Roger - didn't want him to feel left out!
  1. Guess I'm in the minority with Lou Ann, just in my eye I like the original much better mainly due to its sharp crisp lines and brighter colors really make it jump. But then again that's only my opinion, the vignette is also nice but so much gentler. Thanks for sharing both for comparison.


    Wonderful shot Linda - with a great depth of field like it a lot - to bad the light wasn't a little more on the face and beak rather than the neck. Do these birds squack backwards as being from the down-under?


    Very nice composition CJ - have to keep looking at it trying to figure it out - it appears to be some type of reflective ceiling - but that's just a guess. Nice job.


    Enrique: I really like this shot - the colors and textures are a wonder mix and the photo well composed. Might be my monitor but my only comments would be that it appears a bit light, just my opinion. Otherwise nice job.
  2. I know the shot is a bit blurry and the wires crossing the front

    would have been better out of the shot but sometimes you only have a

    moment to catch something you don't see every day. I grabbed our old

    office digital camera and got off this shot. What you see is exactly

    what we saw - the mountain and monument that bright red. Just your

    thoughts would be appreciated - I know this would not do well with

    ratings and wouldn't expect so.




    Looking down from one ferry to another getting ready for departure.

    Liked the colors and contrasts. Comments and ratings are appreciated

    for we all learn from others.



    This is a color photo of a wall sculpture in New York it has not been

    changed to black and white as it appears. Comments good or bad for

    ways to improve are welcomed. Thank you for viewing.



    Linda: Thanks for the comment and I have to agree - this was taken thru a window at an inside display so the hot spots were hard to eliminate. Maybe a little ps would have helped.




    Really well done - nice lighting and composition however IMHO the shot might have been better served without the sweater (?) scarf (?) around her neck. Again, only MYHO. 6/6
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