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Image Comments posted by awhoward


    Great shot! I love the setup and rectilinearity. It might be slightly improved by playing with the contrast (I'd do it in curves) and by sharpening the lines a bit more.

    Santorini Sunset

    Thanks for your comment, Jana. The scene certainly was familiar - nearly this shot was on the cover of my guidebook! But, as luck had it, I checked into a hotel room whose balcony was used to shoot the exact shot on my guidebook cover! I'm in the process of posting a couple other shots of this church taken from my balcony and other spots around the hotel grounds. Enjoy.

    If photographers are going to Santorini, I'd be happy to recommend this small family-run hotel. It's called 'Apartments Gaby' and is listed in Lonely Planet. Ask for room #1 or #2 on the top floor.

  1. This is one of my favorite images from Rome, which was full of priests

    and nuns from all over the world. The blue is vibrant and I love her

    energy. I'd be curious to hear what others think. Comments and

    critiques welcome.


    This is a very interesting object. I wonder if it could be better photographed from a vantage point with a less busy background? (Or a with a much narrower depth of field.)


    Very nice photo. I think that it could be improved a bit if the whole image was in focus, or if all but the upper left quadrant was cropped out.
  2. Hi Art,


    All-in-all, I really like the canon 24mm lens. If you factor in the price ($290 new), I love it. It's pretty sharp, and f/2.8 beats most zooms at 24mm. My only minor complaints (which aren't a big deal for landscape photography) are that it focuses somewhat slowly and loudly. I also brought a 18-55mm EF-S lens on my trip to Yosemite thinking that I'd want to go wider. But there were surprisingly few opportunities and I was always worried about the quality with the EF-S lens. This lens was just right for most wide scenes.


    If you forced me to choose only one prime lens, I would have to go with my trusty Canon 50mm f/1.4. This lens should be in everyone's kit. (Upgrading from the f/1.8 version was worth it for many reasons.) It's very sharp and f/1.4 obviates the need for a flash indoors most of the time.


    You might want to check out some of other images in this folder -- many were taken with the 24mm.


    What other lenses were you considering?


    [Addendum: For some reason, Art removed his comment. He said that he was impressed with the results from the Canon 24mm f/2.8 lens that I used here and asked about my general experiences.]

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