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Image Comments posted by aphanius

    Louse fly II

    Thanks for your rendition, Dilip. This type of flies are almost colourless, due to the fact that they are parasites of pigeons and live under greyish feathers. About crop, it's an interesting possibility. I've preferred showing a conventional frame including thorax for identification purposes. Best regards :)

    Immature leafhopper

    Hi Rakesh. Cicadas and hoppers are closely related families, so it's possible to find similar immature stages. I'm not an expert in Homoptera order and this identification was made by a forensic entomologist. I guess that cicadas have a complex life cycle and greater size than hoppers. Yours, cicada or hopper, is cool too. Thanks for commenting and sharing.
  1. This little Drosophila was on a window surface, previously cleaned to avoid dust and so on. I've made a little Drosophila culture at home with some putrid vegetables put in a plastic can. This little flies come and feed in "semi-controlled" conditions.


    The double reflection is due to the fact that the size of the fly is less than the thickness of the window glass, so the reflection is produced on both sides of the window, leading to a complete reflection. If the size of the subject (fly) was greater than the thickness of the window, the reflections wouldn't be complete, but superimposed.


    So, this image has minor adjustments, as noise reduction and level correction. The yellowish wing colour is due to an artifact in level correction, as original one had iridescent reflections.


    Little weevil


    Thanks for your gentle words, Jay. I guess that "balanin" has the equivalent "gorgojo" in spanish. They belong to Curculionidae, an extense and widespreaded beetle family. Best regards :)


    P.S.: By the way, try in plants from Malvaceae family to find there balanins.



    Inge, thanks a lot for your gentle words. You know I love your work, too, and I like the work of people sharing respectful nature images. I won't use the term nature photographer because there's no standard definition for it.


    About what I deserve.. hmmm... I enjoy sharing nature images, but equipment is not a goal for me. Don't missunderstand me, I realize how much it helps to achieve professional results but at this moment I have more trivial priorities. Maybe in the future I'll spend more time and money in macro shooting, but now this is the best I may do.


    Best regards and thanks again :)

    The Kill

    Hi Mark ;). It's a crab spider (Thomisidae), probably Ozyptila praticola (check species list of this genus in your local guide). Nice capture.

    Bee fly


    Gracies Manel :) La veritat es que el secret dels macros amb llum natural es la medicio puntual, i amb la 300D es massa complicat enfocar, mesurar i disparar en fraccions de segon, amb l'afegit que en la 300D mesures la llum per zones.


    Per altra banda la relacio qualitat/pixels es molt millor amb la coolpix, tot i que encara no he investigat a fons el tema de l'invertit. Un altre avantatge de la coolpix es que pesa poc i es petita, cosa que s'agraeix en el macro de camp. Per cert, li estic posant "tunning".. ja t'ho ensenyare, jejeje

  2. Gracias JF :) En los dos anyos que llevo subiendo fotos a foros de internet he descubierto que hay dos grandes grupos de fotografos, los artilleros y los de a pie. Los primeros gozan con sus equipos carisimos, sus madrugones y batallitas, su tecnica de manual de los anyos 50 y sus ampliaciones tamanyo mural. Los segundos disfrutan de la fotografia sin mas y en ese grupo me incluyo yo :) Hay que tener muuuucha paciencia con los artilleros, jejejeje. Un abrazo, JF.

    Llega la primavera

    Buenos inicios macreros, Jose Angel. La exposicion y nitidez me parecen mas que correctas. La composicion bien, aunque quizas preferiria mas aire por la izquierda y un angulo un pelin mas bajo. Saludetes ;)
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