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Image Comments posted by aphanius

  1. Thanks for your contribution, Ben :) I've dealt with this scene exposure at several attempts, trying to achieve this time light/shadows levels as they were on original scene. This means that an enlightened foreground would turn on an overlightened background, and that's just what I consider wrong in my previous rendition (Natural Abstraction II, see above thumb).


    However, and that's what you probably mean, it's possible to balance whole light with an optical degrad filter or a digital degrad mask. This would be a reasonable choice, regarding with aesthetics, but regarding with technique it'd break light/shadows coherence (further details on foreground wouldn't be expected if dynamic range on foreground exceeds two or three f steps from background light source, as it takes place here). As a creative choice... yes, I agree your suggestion :)

  2. Thanks, Mike and Paula :)


    Gracias Marina. Las pocas veces que he visitado Asturias o Cantabria he quedado prendado de los paisajes y del clima, pero sobre todo de los colores. Y es que alli el verde es siempre verde, este nublado, llueva o haga sol. Un precioso lugar para vivir, sin duda :)

    Up! I


    I went with a friend of mine (thanks Miguel for this and so many things) to a lake and we stayed over a bridge. From that point of view is where this image was taken. With a Canon 20D and Sigma 75-300 lens. I were pointing just to a single seagull, waiting for its taking off. I've got a lot a shots were only a cut leg or wing are shown. This was the first time I took a flying bird image, was really great and I did enjoy very much. (end of translation)


    I've tried to be as literal as possible, Marina. About your image and Miguel's, I like more yours (lol). Water drops add dynamics to composition and break dark BG. Original point of view, by the way. Best regards ;)


    He intentado que fuese lo mas literal posible. Sobre tu imagen y la de Miguel, me gusta mas la tuya (jejeje). Las gotas de agua anyaden dinamismo a la composicion y rompen el fondo oscuro. Original punto de vista, por cierto. Saludetes ;)


    Thanks for commenting, Jim :) Are you sure you have full quota for 7's ? I guess there's a quota limit per day. Don't worry about it, I apreciate hugely your inputs. Best regards.

    Immature leafhopper


    Gracias por la sinceridad, Alvaro :) Te dire como veo yo la imagen. El plano de enfoque esta situado justo por detras del ojo y la profundidad de campo es del orden de 1 o 2 milimetros. Esto quiere decir que salen a foco la parte frontal de la cabeza, los apendices mandibulares, el lateral del escudete toracico y una buena parte del abdomen. Fuera de foco (parcial o totalmente) se encuentran las patas, el ojo, la parte superior del torax y abdomen y el apendice abdominal fibroso. La superficie del cuerpo esta recubierta de una fina pilosidad, lo que puede despistar en la busqueda de zonas nitidas.

    Conclusion: considerando que es un recorte del original y que el tamanyo del sujeto es realmente diminuto, yo diria que esta minimamente desenfocado. Puedes buscar en el Google por la palabra leafhopper (busqueda por imagenes) y veras que la calidad de esta imagen supera con creces el 99% de lo que encuentres. Y no si es asi... vuelves y me lo cuentas, jejejeje. Gracias, de verdad que aprecio tu comentario :)

    The Netherlands


    Shot taken in 1992 in the Netherlands (guess near Marken). Original

    in standard film, printed in glossy paper and scanned. A bit PS work

    to create an scenery similar to that from dutch landscape painters

    in the XVI and XVII century (i.e. Jacob von Reisdael). Any


    Musca domestica

    Absolutely neat and perfectly exposed. You've made a fine work with reversed lens and this isn't the result of coincidence, but of a consistent skill on macro technique. As I can't see any visible reflection, I may ask you how have you succeded in such an smart illumination. About composition, I suggest some crop at the bottom to detract interest from blurred legs and BG's chroma artifacts. Otherwise, my sincere congrats and welcome to photo.net. Best regards :)

    Immature leafhopper


    Hi Krister. Glad to see you paying attention to one of my humble shots. I guess I understood your question, so I'm going to answer it. About image size, as you can check on details window, this is a cropped image, 70% of an original 2,1 Mpx file from Nikon Coolpix 2000. As you may guess, this size isn't suitable enough for larger printing posters (wish I could buy a MPE 65 mm as yours, but can't). About BG colour, this has't been created, and is fairly close to original, once level adjustments have been done. I could conclude saying "it was the BG I found there", but let me go further. As you see, the perch isn't common grass, but a mountain grass with a lot of white "hair" (adaptation to severe dehidration climate conditions). So, this kind of grass doesn't look crispy green, but ashly green. That's the main reason why BG has neutral gray tones (I had prefered crisper green tones, by the way). Another reasons may be ground level point of view, DOF about 1mm (blurry BG mm far from subject) and presence of gravel within BG's grass. Finally, let me add that there are some visible jpg atifacts on the BG (lesser in orginal file), but this can be easily overcome with a quick Neat Image workflow, so not a big deal for me.


    Thanks for your interest, and to everyone commenting this shot. Best regards :)

    Czec Republic

    Thanks for your comments. I agree (of course). I may suggest DOF as another main issue in this shot. The flighting point (punto de fuga) is very effective when getting closer to the screen and makes the sensation to be inside the scene. Best regards :)

    Box Turtle

    Amazing shot (I'm serious). It's a great shot, with nice saturation, balanced light and sharp selected focus. I suggest cropping a bit at the bottom. Nice work ;)

    Mar Turquesa II

    Un foto realmente original y muy bien resuelta. El Rio Tinto es una mina... de oro (fotograficamente hablando). Lo de la huelga no creo que sirva de mucho (sacaran suplentes para rellenar los huecos), pero al menos habra algo mas de concienciacion "popular". Ea, Julio, disfruta de las comodidades que aqui tenemos y alli no ;)
  3. Hi Krister. From a naturalistic point of view, your image lacks of something that on a technical basis could seem worthless. This family of bugs has the ability to "walk" over water surface and I think that a detail from one of its "feet" pulling upper water layer could work fine. Of course, another focus plane had to be selected (I suggest a 30 degrees slope angle in front on his head to include eyes and main "swimming feet" into the focus plane, leading to a simmetric composition added to reflection simmetry). Not easy to achieve, I know (that's the challenge I put forward respectfully). Best regards :)

    View larger, please.

    I do like this shot as it is, not necessary cropping. I'm going to justify this. For me, natural light is a main key on 99% of my shots. In the sense of creativity, natural light (or directional studio light where available) gives more chances to add compositional elements (as light itself). And in your shot what works greatly is just light direction (left-right decreasing diagonal) and that justifies the left dark room (even more room would be nicer). Thus, I only may suggest two slight details for improving this image. First, reducing the white frame (1 or 2 pixels would be enough for framing). Second, enhancing the main subject (flower and FG leaves) isolating it from BG leaves behind the flower (underexposing a bit). Best regards :)
  4. Trobo que la composicio es magnifica i el contrast visual entre el primer pla colorit (camp de pastura) i el fons poc saturat (muntanyes amb boira) donen a la imatge molt dinamisme. La profunditat de l'escena es inmillorable. Salutacions :)

    John Hyde

    Gran homenaje a un buen fotografo por parte de otro buen fotografo. A destacar la calidez de la luz, la profundidad de la mirada y la complicidad de la sonrisa. Precioso trabajo, Jose Angel ;)
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