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Image Comments posted by lucyhollis


    What a beautiful scene. I don't think the green looks too unhealthy (hope it isn't!), it makes a nice link between the blues of the sky and distant water and the browner colours in the rocks and trees. I do agree though with the previous critiques that the horizon should be worked on. I think I would lean (no pun intended) towards straightening the horizon, rather than emphasising the tilt, as the scene over all seems peaceful to me and you wouldn't want to detract from the movement and power of the river itself.
  1. Great colour. Your photograph is exceptional - so often I find my autumn photographs end up being a bit dark and seem to show the drearier side of the season. The light and brightness of this makes this photo stand out.

    Green waves

    This folder of photographs is beautiful. What always fascinates me is how photos like this can show such obvious movement and yet feel overall so calm and beautiful.

    sonata of blossom

    This photograph has such a great, mysterious atmosphere. Well created through use of the dark background. I love how the green sepals sweep and fade away into the darkness.
  2. Nice work. The shadow makes it. It's interesting too how this photograph initially seems to echo the simplicity of japanese brushwork, yet the Bouganvillia is definitely not oriental, and the thorns and broken stem are anything but graceful. So definitely a photo that makes me question my assumptions.


    I'm surprised to say it, but the town's glow in the valley really adds a lot to this photograph. As if it is projecting stars onto the night's sky, or maybe pulling its light from the sky?
  3. As a thumbnail this photo works fantastically - the ornate architecture reduced to its simplist. But enlarged it doesn't look very sharp to me? Maybe with just a touch of sharpening this photograph will really pop.


    At first I thought this composition seemed a little bit unbalanced, but then I realised that slightly out of kelter feeling is exactly what is called for to match this marginal subject. Great work

    Spiral Down

    This is my favourite of your series - the framing is just right to include everything and with no empty space in the foreground. And the colours are so warm and vibrant in this photograph too.


    This photograph is about layers to me, and I find it so interesting how the viaduct and road merges into the natural landscape as yet another layer.

    Baby Lizard

    Thank you for all your comments. I did actually choose this particular hibiscus to get a good colour contrast! I had to work a bit on the lizard's head to bring out the detail, the harsh sun wasn't ideal.
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