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Image Comments posted by jay_philbrick

    Three's a Crowd

    Cindy, thank you for the comment. This is what I was wondering; whether the person in the painting who looks like he's peekeing over their heads was interesting or a distraction. Thanks for your opinion on this.


    Nice photo but the larger image makes it easy to see a number of Photoshop problems. The brilliant sunset does not show through the 2 windows in the castle. The light there is instead pure white and doesn't match the background making it look like a composite. There are also a lot of artifacts and halos from some of the processing that has been applied. But, the overall effect is nice.


    I wish I could take snapshots like this. It's beautiful. I love the "painted' effect you have achieved here. Great composition and it has a very pleasant, soft feeling to it overall. I'm missing the "V" in the composition that has been mentioned though. If someone could explain that to me I'd appreciate it. Great job, keep it up.
  1. This is a good idea in a very nice location with excellent subject matter. However, overall I think the effort falls a little short. The image overall is too dark and flat, but that's just my opinion. Maybe if the subject was lightened a little, as someone already suggested, that might improve it some. I think you're on to something here, however, and you should work more on this technique and try to improve it. Good luck!
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