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Image Comments posted by jay_philbrick

    Tiny Bee in Flower

    Very nice. Great color and just enough DOF. I like the light coming through the flower a lot. The compression thing is frustrating, isn't it? Great job, keep it up.


    I've been to Yosemite a bunch of times to go climbing and know it as one of the most beautiful and awe inspiring places on earth. You've captured that spendor and beauty very well in this image. It may not be taken on the islands where you usually shoot, but this shot has the same great composition and colors as all your others. Great job.
  1. A beautiful image. I really like the composition, lighting, and mist in the trees. Top right is maybe just a tad too bright, but not so much to really hurt the photo. Good work and thanks for rating one of my submissions.


    Excellent photo. I don't think the dark foreground takes away from the image at all and I really like how soft the water looks. Way to go.

    Rapid Transit


    A classic rock climb in New Hampshire on a great spring day. After

    climbing the pitch, I rappelled down to take photos of the last

    person in the party. Thanks for any comments or critiques.

    Sea & Sky

    Beautiful image. Fantastic colors and rushing water looks great. Great poses for the models and excellent composition. Outstanding!

    The Lip

    Thanks Alan. Yes, it is a bit underexposed. I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to expose for snow shots. I'm still trying to find the best way to fix the "white" in PS as well.

    The Lip


    Skier streaking down "The Lip" in Tuckerman Ravine making only 3

    turns or so. The run pushes 50 degrees and 600 feet.

  2. Thanks. I agree about making the climbers more prominant but this was as close as I could get with the lens maxed out. This is cropped to 100%. I couldn't get in close enough for any color. That would have been nice. Thanks again for the comment.
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