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Image Comments posted by brandonhamilton


    I think the original is far better then your cropped version. It puts the zebra on the ground, rather then in the sky. Black and white background compliments the black and white zebra... the crop took away from this image for sure.


    I like how the "central" seat is empty :) I think it would work equaly well if there was a single person, sitting square in the middle. Great shot.


    Great photo! very unique. My only suggestion is to fix the crop. One of the reasons this photo is strong, is because of its semetry. You put the light and arches in the center, but they arent DEAD center... your lense is slightly to the right. I would recrop and recenter to exact measurements. The fact that it is only SLIGHTLY off, is distracting. Other then that, very very cool.


    GREAT photo.. but I think it would of been better with a slightly larger DOF, just enough to get the legs of the spider in focus.


    The subject of the photo itslef is bizzare! I don't think I have ever seen something like that. The bird itslef is flawless and works really well. I find the tattered background slightly distracting however.

    Climbing Mt. Blanc

    What a great photo. The silouette works really well in this shot, better then most, creating a HUGE sense of depth when compared to the far away mountains. I am not however a fan of whatever "dark" affect has been applied to the top.. Other then that, very fun and unique photo.
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