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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto

    Fresh Snow


    Ubaldo and Earl, thank you for commenting.


    Ubaldo, I posted this because I love the snow on all the branches and it was the best of many "snow on branches" that I took that morning. The drawback to the scene is also its attraction to me and that is the confusion of all the branches.


    Earl, this is actually a garden path and these are Lilac trees bending under the weight of the snow. I am afraid that I will have to wait until a late April or early May snowstorm to be able to add offsetting color, other than Sky blue or Pine green. I am toying with the idea of making this a black and white just to see how the extreme contrasts would look.

  1. I like the contrast between the snow and the flowers. The flower and snow in the foreground seem a bit soft and that softness grabs a bit too much of my attention. I didn't know that it ever snowed in Dallas.

    Green Moss

    very nice detail and colors. Some of the background details are slightly distractring, but short of moving the butterfly, there is little that could be done. great overall. John

    Water Skiing


    Can't tell the difference from a field here, but this is a lake and a skier, so it

    must be water skiing. This is the first of my "Weakly" Photos. A project that I

    am creating for myself to take more photos. Thanks for viewing and I

    appreciate comments to help me improve. If you are undertaking similar photo

    improvement projects to mine, let me know and I will give my honest opinion

    on your photo. John.

  2. Welcome to photo.net Jason. Hopefully it will be an enriching experience for you. IMO this is a good photograph, but has room to improve. My eye goes immediately to the sharp focus of the rocks in the center of the photo and stays there. I really have to work to look at the blurred water, so I think that should run through your photo, instead of on the edge, and lead my eye to the rocks and moss. Of course this is only my opinion and I do like the photo. Keep posting. :) John.
  3. :) I was hiding it with my backside. I have to work on noise reduction techniques and perhaps refine what I think is noise. Since I posted this I did some research about fixing noise and the definitions of noise in those (and your fix) lead me to believe that only a circular polarizer on the lens would have saved this picture. Thanks for the push up the learning curve. John.

  4. Thanks for looking Jeff. I just did a quick flip on this when I saw how nearly perfect the reflection was and was curious to see if anyone really looked closely at average photos or would just do a "drive by" rating. So thanks for looking. :) John
  5. I did a 13x19 on epson watercolor paper and it looks fantastic (to me). Here I prefer Peter's sponged version I think because of the feel of texture that is realized in the actual print. Thanks for all the input. Peter, there is always room for improvement and opinion as I see it. If I capture a photo that means so much to me that I couldn't bear to have it criticised you will not see it on photo.net. . Thanks again, John :)


    That's it. I think that it lands in a powerpoint of the picture and the eye is drawn to it by following along the knife. John.
  6. Thanks David, PS is finally improving, but a long way to go. i.e. I tried getting rid of some of the noise in the background of this, but had to scrap those efforts when despeckle didn't help, gaussian blur on a layer was too noticeable a shift and a layer working on just the highlights made the background too dark overall. So I think it is back to the books for noise reduction methods. John.


    If viewing with frame and title, then I focus on the title "Hate". If I take the title out of the view my focus becomes the red on the knife edge in the lower right third of the image. John.
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