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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto



    It is a bit of a time constraint nightmare, but I'll survive. I have one 60 gig external harddrive filled already. And if I want a bigger project I have my father's slides from 1954 to 1976 that put mine to shame. He managed to fill 40 carousels and a four foot tall chest of slide drawers just with his keepers. There are many boxes with his 2nd tier shots as well. A great retirement project for me, but I am not near retirement quite yet.


    I like this seagull better on my calibrated mac at home than I do on my uncalibrated pc at work. Reminds me not to make color judgements from work, which is where I make most of my photo.net contributions from (I own the business, I think I will get away with it).





    Hi Michael,


    I was actually dangling over a cliff without a parasail.


    Right now I have not been shooting much and yesterday was raining so I went through some slides that I had never touched after getting them back from the processor. I have about 75 boxes of slides that I have never gone through and I have a ton of slides that were taken prior to my digital age that are currently sitting in carousels and binders.


    Anyway this was the only half decent shot in several boxes I went through yesterday. I was going to delete it,but decided to give it a day and see if I like it any better.





    Your pictures would only help that site, definitely. I often get caught up in the deficiencies of my own photos and fail to see their good points. I don't think that is uncommon in photographers that are always looking to improve. In other peoples photos I believe we see both the good and bad points, but are removed from the photo so we can judge the photo overall. In our own work we tend to see only the areas that need improving and cannot make the same fair assessment.





    Last year's shots do not hold a candle to this year's. And don't go back to the drawing board, I like the overlay. Her face suggests eastern european royalty, but her footwear ruins it. Concentrating on the face only suggests capitulation. Without the circus context I would say her armies have been defeated and she is bowing in resignation to superior forces after a long battle. The overlay I think suggests the smoke of the aftermath of an ancient battle. Or maybe my imagination needs some fine tuning. I think that others will see both more and less in this photo, but it will make them think and that is the highest compliment I can think of for a photo.





    Interesting effect on the background of this photo Michael. Is it a cloud overlay? Also the woman's face tells of a million different stories. Did you get any portrait shots of her? This is a really great shot anyway. The more I look, the more I like.





    Hi Jacqueline.


    Great exposure here. The photo is strong as is, but I wonder if it doesn't become more powerful by cropping out the top third of the photo. The sand, shadows and fence alone make a great shot. I think the dune and the waves take a little something away from primary subject of the photo.



  1. Very nice shot. Purely my opinion, but I would like the sky to be a bit darker. I might also try some cropping to see whether or not a more dramatic effect could be created. Maybe take some from the top so we don't see where the lightning originates and maybe some from the left where the buildings are not as interesting. As is it is still far better than I could manage.



    fruit on granite


    The more I look at this the more I like it. Couple of things that could improve it (IMO), 1. a little more space at the top of the frame. 2. Use a gold reflector to give the peach and its reflection just a bit more punch.



    Field of Lupine


    Thanks David, that looks great. Better than reality actually. I experiment with enhancing the colors, but have not delved into channel mixing yet. I will try that as I am playing with other lupine photos when I can.



  2. Funny how everyone's taste is different so that what one person really likes about a photo is exactly the thing that another dislikes. Personally I feel the water is too bright, but I like the depth I get from the rocks to the immediate hill, then a tonal shift to the more distant hills. You may have oversharpened a bit as the rocks look almost pasted on. I am unsure what your other critiquer meant by your photo being flat.



    Field of Lupine


    I liked the photo also Margaret. Though it was risque for a retired schoolteacher and if you left it just look at Michael's posting from 2004 to see how it would come back and haunt you. Showing all that snow on the verge of Winter is obscene Michael. Shame on you.:)



  3. I agree that it is a very interesting structure and decorative theme. Great as part of a portfolio on your Denmark trip. Too bad you didn't have time for more than a quick snap. I can see several compositions here.




    PS- Does not appear oversaturated on my screen. Nice choice.

    Field of Lupine




    Thanks for the link. Amazing what people can improvise with if they are determined.


    I will probably wait until I can afford the real thing as I am not generally good at assembling things and it looks like there would be issues with proper framing and focusing even if I did manage to put it together properly.


    I wonder how you can position the lens by hand, hold it steady and fire off your camera? Must be incredibly awkward.



    Field of Lupine




    Thank you for the compliment.






    That might help, but I think if I purchased a lens that could tilt like the bellows on a large format camera I could get some real depth. I have wanted a tilt/shift lens for quite a few years now, but have never been able to justify the cost.



    Field of Lupine


    A crop out of a larger overview taken of this field. I will be picking out other views from

    the same original from time to time as an exercise in seeing the pictures within a picture

    and hopefully teach myself to take my time and capture the smaller views on site.

  4. Hi David,


    I have not stopped by lately, so I thought I'd see what you were up to. Very nice stuff, though if you had e-mailed me prior to coming to NH I could have given you some tips on places to go or avoid. Nice shadows in this one, though now that I see it, the litter that is in line with the angled pier support is bothersome. Sort of like the wood is aimed right at it, so you might want to clone that out if you want to market this photo. Your stuff looks wonderful overall. Encouraging to those of us that have been flatlining to see someone work at it and improve. My best to you.




    If that is you behind that camera you should use it as your bio pic. Nearly every bio pic I have seen today is a body with a camera for a head:) I think most photographers are camera shy in reality.
  5. See, I was just trying to improve her composition with mine!


    Actually, this is an annual event with around twenty artists all vying for unique perpectives of this estate. As I photographed this she was busy filling in the field with wild flowers, so it will seem less empty. Closer to the house there were artists stacked on top of each other plying their craft.



  6. Very nice photo. In an ideal world I would like to see a bit of what the waves are hitting to create a reference point, but given the light conditions I can offer no suggestions that would work, so I'll just offer congratulations.



  7. I might try even darker. The sun's reflection on the water is already too bright. Stopping down might give a bit of detail/color to the "sun streak" and silhouetting the boy even more will not hurt as the subjectwould still be obvious. Nice photo.



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