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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto

    Fall Falls

    Compromises had to be made when exposing these falls. This was where we stopped for lunch on an eight mile hike, so sun position couldn't get much worse. Though it was not a windy day there was a breeze so adding nd filters and increasing exposure time would have blurred the leaves as well as the water. I wish I could say that I would go back when there is better light, but with the exception of one rather rotund older pipe smoker walking with a cane, the people encountered on this trail were not at all friendly. I had never felt like an intruder while hiking marked trails before, but I did here so I don't think I'll return. Thanks for viewing and commenting Zafar. I have seen your images and they are truly special, so your visit is very much appreciated.

    Fall Falls

    Different and to my eyes leagues ahead of the original and with the exception of the flip, more what I had in mind when I began playing with it. The flip works as well, I just don't think of reversing images when I'm editing. Will in the future. Thanks for the lesson David. John. :)

    Morning Light

    Very difficult to pick one that is a favorite out of so many outstanding images, but this one I came back to a couple of times, though the Windy Ridge pines are a powerful example of the struggle to survive in nature. I look forward to viewing more of your images.

    1976 ...

    Which one is you? I'm betting left and are those snaps for buttons on the white cowboy shirt? I'll play, but I don't have photos at work to play with. I'll see what I can do tonight.
  1. Interesting shot, though I believe I would prefer to not have the smaller stones and sand in the frame. Leaving them out would make this more of an abstract and make us think about what the size of this is. IMO the major attraction to an abstract is the struggle between the eye and the mind to agree on the content of the image. Nicely done.

    Bogged in Autumn


    Tripod with a level was used, but the right side of this composition feels like it

    is flowing out of the frame. Does this bother anyone other than myself and if

    so any hints to fix it. Rotating messes up the left side. Or any other comments

    or suggestions are welcome.

    Fall Falls

    Interesting take on this to me David. I find the log distracting and thought about removing it before I took the shot. I would never have thought to make it a more prominent portion of the photo, but thanks to you next time I am in a similar situation I will try to compose using all that is there instead of minimizing the impact of the log as I tried to do here. I think having the log in the right corner is part of why this shot hasn't realized the potential the geography offered. John.

    Fall Falls

    Hi Kim, thanks for taking the time to correct my exposure. I put this on photo.net so I could look at it outside the context of my PS work area. I want to like this photo, but so far I can't and I have not figured out why. Your adjustment helped the water portion, but doesn't do it for me. This may be one of my "Mission Impossible" photos that will self destruct when the frustration value surpasses the possible pleasure value. We will see. :)

    The Crossing of Hope

    IMO works better with the sun left in. The center of the sun is too bright to have detail, which is a problem that plagues my efforts continually as is the small piece of lens flare under the tree branch and over the bridge. You continually add great photos to your portfolio. They always make me pause and try to think of ways to improve my own photography. Enjoy your trip hope to see a few tropical photos. John
  2. Hi Courtney, I read your bio and aspiration so in an attempt to be helpful I'm going to tear this down a little more than I normally would in this format. You display some talent or I wouldn't take the time. This style frame would be good for advertising a florist or restaurant. A more powerful image would start in the lower left corner and leave on the right (people are trained to read left to right in most places) and you should shoot at a time when the light is even. The sunlight in the background creates distracting bright spots.
  3. Nice composition, but IMO the most important item to be in focus is the first thing the eye hits in a pictire. Here it is not and the left side of the boat leaves the frame. I do like how the eye follows the first boat to the jetty and onto the second boat.
  4. Thanks Kim, I appreciate the visit and comment. I am definitely having a few color management issues mostly in preparing pictures for the web. Seems like when I use the "save for web" function, the first thing the compression tosses out is color information. Unless I shoot in JPG on my camera, then it seems okay. It'll take a while, but I will figure it out. Or I'll learn to like magenta. :)


    I see the decisive moment as the boy makes a break for the pigeons or the little girl's bread crumbs and the boy's father reaches to keep him in line. I find the photo more interesting because it showcases our "every other weekend" society (3 fathers and their kids with nary a mother in sight). In a perfect world the people on the bench would not be there. B&W is a good choice I don't think this would work nearly as well in color.
  5. Hi Bram thanks for looking. The halo on the rock is possibly the result of applying too much blur when I blended two photos. One exposed for the sky and one exposed for the river. This is the resukt of my first try at blending and I'm reasonably happy with the result.

    Plane Cloud

    Too much sky to hold much interest IMO. Tilt is fine because the ferns in the lower part of the image are level and anchor the rest of the photo. Plane is too small to be of interest.


    Brian, you have found a spot where wildlife can be photographed, but a lot of your photos have these distracting sticks. If you are using them for camoflauge make sure they are not in front of your lens when you shoot. If you are using them to "frame" the photo, stop. IMO sticks and branches are usually distracting, not an aid in framing. I am very jealous that you are able to get wildlife such as this as my camera seems to act as wildlife repellent.
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