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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto

  1. Nubble Lighthouse is frequently photographed and you have done a good job here. Colors are fantastic must be shortly after sunrise. The whites on the lighthouse and side of the house are slightly blown out so you might try darkening them a bit in photoshop. Good job.
  2. Wonderful light, dramatic clouds in the background. Sometimes mother nature smiles on us and you had the skill to capture it. If I show it to my wife she'll want to paint it. Great job.



    I have been told that it needs the sun to add a focal point and take the eye

    away from the silohette of the shore. Agree or disagree let me know. Thank


    Hiking in Autumn

    In order to get enough detail under the canopy of trees without having areas of your picture blown out by too much light you need to have even lighting throughout the frame. This same picture on a cloudy or misty day or pre-dawn/post-sunset time frame would be greatly improved. Good Setting, poor light.
  3. Thank you for your comment on my fall leaves. I visited John Shaw's site and am awed by the difference between a professional and myself. Thank you again and I look forward to your future postings to photo.net


    Great reflection. Water is incredibly still and the lighting conditions were even and you still were able to get some blue sky reflected in the water. Very nice job.


    My first thought was is there really such a location, then the reflection did it in. I really like the idea and the montage works for a non-photographer/artist.
  4. This makes me want to drive north and see if it is Silver Cascades in Crawford Notch in New Hampshire. I like the feeling it evokes. I might try switching locations so that the water flows diagonally through the frame, but I wouldn't complain if the shot were mine. Thank you also for your comment on my photograph.
  5. It is always "near" sunset in winter in New Hampshire, but sunset was about two hours away. I metered off the white of the lighthouse, then added one and a half stops. Also tried two stops, but that washed out the lighthouse too much. Suggestions on how to lighten the rest of the scene in camera would be appreciated. Thank you for your comment.

    About to set

    The setting is wonderful and the photograph is pleasing, but could be improved. A smaller aperture setting and exposing to show more of the landscape instead of its silohette might make this an even better photo.
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