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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto

    One more - Autumn

    I agree that the images I post are darker than the originals. May be due to the loss of information in preparing the photo for the web. Maybe we should make them brighter than they ought to be before uploading.



    It was getting sunny so I decided to take some shots in a totally

    shaded area so I wouldn't get hot spots from the sun. Used a

    circular polarizer, but still got reflections/hot spots. Any

    suggestions for correcting this in-camera next time?

  1. Kevin, Good composition. I have seen a similar photo recently that uses a graduated neutral density filter (I think it was at JohnShawphoto.com)and the barn really popped out at you. Good job. Editing my comment. If the photo I saw was on John Shaw's website then it is no longer there or I missed it. I will tell you where to look if I find it again.


    This could even be right on the exposure. I will typically shoot the suggested exposure then do a couple of shots either adding light or taking away light depending on the situation. In this case it was early morning (pre-dawn) and this is how the scene appeared. I have several lighter and darker versions of this, but this one was best. Thank you for your comment. And two or three times a year we do get purple sunrise and sunset.
  2. You do manage to get incredible color. this has a great reflection in the water and the sky is wonderful, but the fence is keeping me out. You may not have been able to get down to the waters edge, but the Photograph had to be taken anyway even if you were kept out.
  3. Excellent vista. A lot of photographs could come out of this one spot. Was the wind blowing some ,because the grass appears to be blurred a little and that bothers me a little and I think the cottage is a little blown out maybe even just decreasing brightness a little. I love the photograph and the setting. Good job.
  4. Interesting angle to approach this from. Not too many shots are eye to eye with the bee. Probably not much morecould have been done with your depth of filed, but I would like the photo even more if the leading/front petals of the flower were also in focus.
  5. I like the flow of the tree trunk/branch through the picture. Diagonals seem pleasing. Dark objects being surrounded by lighter ones distract from the composition? I have many sunsets where the silohette is surrounded by lighter objects and that is usually very pleasing. I am not sure you can make a hard and fast rule about that and the soft gray of the shaded maple is not in hard contrast to the leaves anyway. Pleasing composition.


    Cool Lizard. Ready to go step to step. As I was about to leave I glanced and saw this as a photograph from above, instead of the wall with the steps built in. Makes me stop and think. Great job.

    4 am

    Wonderful composition. The fog reflected on the water is fantastic with the greater light starting to come in from the right and the direction of the rowboat leading us to the light. Keep up the good work.
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