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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto

  1. Actually I'm going back to sunrise. I have to stick with my initial thoughts on this. And the clues in the first photo are valid to me. Though three of those photos you posted definitely make me less sure of myself here.
  2. If all of these were taken from the same spot at the same approximate time. I have to change my answer to sunset due to the heaviness/haze of two of two of the shots. Plus one other that has a lot of blue sky left that would be typical of a setting sun, but not so typical of a rising sun. I am interested in a scientific answer so I'm going to see if Nathan Cohen will visit.
  3. Kim, you are probably right in this case, however in most waterfront communities everyone enjoys the sunset and the lights don't go on until the last vestiges of a beautiful sunset are gone. See my "Sunsets its a sickness" folder for examples. Regards. John.
  4. I like a challenge and I've got a 50/50 chance so here goes. I am going to have to agree with Kim and say it is a sunrise, but I disagree with the lights theory (People might not have turned their lights on yet also). The color is a crisp orange and the water is calm. At the end of the day with no winds we have usually polluted our air so badly that we have haze to deal with and the color would appear fuzzy and less crisp. If it had been windy and kept the air fresh the water would be more disturbed than it is. Also the concentric circles are probably where a fish (fish seem more active in the morning) jumped to catch some unsuspecting bug. Or Michael threw a rock into the water hoping to throw us off. On the other hand this could be some wierd color of Northern lights and Michael will reveal at the end that we are all fools. Now I have to worry about that. Gee Michael, thanks for the additional stress.

    Slovenian Panorama

    Wonderful, classical feel to this photograph, but my eye is stopped by the bridge. IMO the bridge interupts the flow of this scenic. Doesn't ruin it though still great photo.

    Calm Sea at Night

    Very nice job. Moon could be a little sharper, but you would have to either double expose or photoshop in another moon. Otherwise very tranquil feeling. And thank you for visiting my sunset folder.

    Fall Snow Fall


    Ryan and David, Thank you for commenting. David I agree with you about the oil paint effect, I think that would look good and I will experiment with it.

    Ryan, the black border was/is my effort to contain the white of the snow within the frame. A smaller border would probably have the same effect and I probably should have tried other borders before posting.

    I used 100 speed film mostly because it was in my camera when it started to snow. I went to the only place that was picturesque and close by and shot. I didn't have a tripod, so I used a headstone to steady the camera. This was the best of my shots.

    Park life

    the simple joys are the ones that transcend generations, we can all identify with making mud-pies, so you will have marketability on either a color or a b&w photograph. I would make my decision based on what the majority of my intended audience has preferred in the past.


    I have to agree with Jim. The sun is a little too centered, so by cropping bottom and left I don't think you will lose much, but the sun will be at a better interest point. I love to take sunsets. Wish this were one of mine.
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