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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto


    I like this as one of your mos subtle and perhaps best image that I have seen of yours. Unfortunately subtle usually means overlooked here. May not have the "Wow" factor, but I think it has the components and attention to detail that could make it a commercially succesful image.

    Asmussen Blue

    Being relatively new to photo.net I was not familiar with Mr. Asmussen's work, so I checked it out and he has some great stuff. In the works of his that utilized angles his horizon lines appeared straight, so maybe you are on to a whole new concept here, then I thought maybe you could manipulate this photo so that the clouds remain horizontal and everything else at the diagonal? Might be interesting. Anyway I enjoy your postings. Your perspectives make me stop and think, but I have a lot to learn before I can even attempt what you make look simple.

    Autumn Road

    Thank you for the complement Bernard. Still a beginner with Photoshop. Started posting images before I read the book so I don't know how to fix just the sky yet. I am sure it would be simple for someone with your talent.


    I am glad to see you have posted a critique request. IMO in this format i had to geuss at what the whale's tail was before I saw your request. I am not sure that the shading on the rocks is correct, but perhaps someone better schooled than I in Photoshop will be able to better direct you. Love the photo. Like the cat more though.

    Tramonto in svezia

    Good light and composition. You could play with the cropping to see if there are parts that can be left out. IMO the strength of this photo is the color of the field the buildings and the clouds.


    I Can't believe that this is the same photo I commented on two days ago. 100% improvement The eye now moves naturally to the windmill and the sun and clouds playing in the background is great. I don't even remember that from my first viewing. I have to improve my photoshop skills to half of what yours are. Great job. The rest of your folder is great also. You will get quite a bit of exposure on photo.net. I have noticed that on the photos I have viewed you did not request a critique. As a non-subscriber you can post 4 critiques in a seven day period and not more than 1 in a 24 hour period. You will get increased ratings and viewings by asking for a critique. Good Luck.
  1. Very nice. The reflection in the store window adds, but I'm not sure about the 20% off signs above. I think the signs are okay for stopping the eyes from wandering off above, but I'd rather not be able to read it. Really just being picky about a very good photograph.
  2. The technical information is amazing, I don't shoot a digital camera yet, but that must all get recorded with the image? Really helpful in looking at ways to improve. I believe this is Somesville, ME and their wonderful bridge and reflecting pool. The reflections are working well. From the technical information I might have opted for a slower shutter speed and smaller aperture like in the f11 to f16 range to increase your depth of field. Nice composition.
  3. Nice idea trying to go from a starkness to a dreamlike state. I think that the contrast from one into the other needs to be greater to fully get your idea across. Compositionally this is very nice and IMO the image would be nice either manipulated or unmanipulated.


    Bernard, I noticed that you have recently joined photo.net. You will like it and it will frustrate you at the same time. It is important to know that there is only one full time employee of photo.net and everyone else here just loves showing their photographs and hopefully you can get some to share their knowledge. One of the things that people like when viewing a photo is to be able to see it all at once. You should try for file size around 100k or less and pixels 800 x 600 or less. If you use a MAC use the "save for web" feature or you blow out the ability to see the graphic of the windows users. On your photo I love the colors and composition, but wish that the building was a little more picturesque to go with the rest of the setting. Nice job.
  4. The composition is very nice, but the lanterns lead ny eye into the right hand side of the photo. the sun is very hot so my eyes don't want to look at it. Your other photo is good, but I don't think I can make a judgement on the filter differences because the light with only half the sun above the horizon is different from the light of the full sun here. Both pictures have good sky colors.
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