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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto

    Wall shadow

    Effective shot. I like the shadow of the candle holder, but I love the way you have managed the perspective. You have really managed 3-D effect with this. The candle holder appears to be on a different plane from the wall. Superb job.
  1. Nice photo of a "soft" day. Not thrilled with the white border as there is not enough difference between the sky and the border so the black line intrudes on the photo. Also there is a stray mark in upper right corner that my eye keeps going to.


    The scene is very nice though it does seem to be tilted. You could try using a tripod and checking your horizon before snapping the shutter. Light tends to be harsh in the middle of the day and this light appears harsh to me. Try your scenics around sunrise or sunset. Best of Lucj

    Covering up

    IMO Can not see enough of her eyes and the cover up garment does not generate interest to me. You have an idea that could be worked with, but a little "Mystique" or flirtatiousness needs to be added
  2. My thirteen year old nephew would think is was a cool picture. To me the photo is representative of a near abuse to animals the way these are raised. As a photo I would like there to be either a pattern made by the crocs or a gaping maw to stir my visual senses.


    I am definitely not a black + white expert, but I generally like composition that have a lot of tonal range from nearly black to nearly white in a b+w photo. composition and setting are good, but you lose any definition in the sky. Might try a filter to help with that.
  3. Similar scenes have been shot, but that is true of every photograph I can think of. This is interesting to me because you have the traditional houses, plus you have a multitude of people beating a path to the sea. IMO if you emphasized the trail and people a little more, perhaps zoom in on the scene if possible (still show the background houses, but less of the sky) the photo would improve. Still very good as it is.
  4. I think I see what you are trying to do here. Make it appear as though the statue is contemplating the beauty of the trees and it comes close. Losing the foot of the statue hurts the photo in my opinion. As it is Central Park you probably are trying to keep people out of the photo. Perhaps getting lower and trying a more severe upward angle. Also could try a shallow DOF to blur the trees and make a dreamy effect. Keep shooting.
  5. You point out very valid concerns and adding the byline of the plight of the retired boats due to modern day fishing quotas makes the houses slightly more palatable. Aesthetically I enjoy the photograph more without the houses, so if I were to choose this as a piece of art to hang on my wall I would prefer the houses, sonar and plastic barrel to be absent, though I still like it with all those items present. If this were to be presented as a factual recording of the scene, then I would find either the digital or darkroom removal of the items objectionable. You have stated an ethical dilemna that we all face in very well thought and considered words. I admire your work and thank you for your response.

    Otter Cliffs II


    Rescanned at a higher resolution and added a touch of brightness and

    contrast to more closely match the original. Is this any better? Any other

    suggestions for improvement?

  6. Hugh, thank you for your suggestions and instruction. Your time is greatly appreciated and I am working on improving.


    David, Your Maine folder is great and once I conquer the computer part of things, I will put together a folder of my own. Currently my images are not translating favorably into web format. For instance in this photo the curl of the wave is actually tinged pink to complement the spray and there is only the merest hint of that in the image you see.


    Thank you both.

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