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Image Comments posted by toddlaffler

    Licking her chops


    Jeff, thanks for your comment on my tongue smacking cat. Really it comes down to practice, persistance and a whole lot of luck. If you want to capture the tongue in motion you really need a ton of light to allow a fast shutter speed. My cat likes to sit by the window and bask in the sun (as most cats do) so I have direct sunlight which allowed me just about freeze the tongue. The lighting in your photo seems a bit flat, but not much you can do about where your cat decides to sit right? Keep at it and when the timing is right (cat in the sun perhaps) be ready. I can see my cat from my office and have my camera ready just in case I see hiim taking a bath. Thanks again,



    Maja and Morris


    You caught that special moment. I love when cats do this move :) It's a great shot, I would suggest maybe trying to increase the contrast a little, as it stands now it looks a tad too flat. Maybe just open up some of the highlights, that might do it. Thanks for sharing,




    PS, if you have some time check out some of my cat shots, thanks.

  1. I don't know if you could have cropped any better without seeing the whole setting, but it might be nicer if you could include the rest of each "globe" on the right and left side of the frame. It's a pleasing picture though, I like the shapes and patterns. Thanks for sharing





    I don't mind the burst on the right side so much but I wish the top of the tower wasn't cut off though. Have you tried photographing this location with a vertical format? Thanks for sharing,



    Lane #34


    Carl, I would say you have achieved symmetry in this photograph, however, it doesn't knock you over the head and become an obviously symetrical image. I think it is more implied. Perhaps the left side is a bit "heavier" but for the most part the red bowling ball balances out the red star on the other side. I like this image, I was drawn to it from the thumbnail for some reason, perhaps I'm like a small child who oohs and ahhs at the combinations of colors and shapes. For me though, this images seems a tad too dark for my tastes, although I'm sure the lighting conditions were less than average to work with. I find it interesting to note you have titled this "Lane 34" which is not one of the center lanes. So this obviously directed more of my attention to lane 34 to see why it was titles as such. I can't tell if it's just some odd reflection on the wood in lane 34 but it almost looks like a gold or yellowish bowling ball about to strike the pins, or wind up in the gutter, not sure. I would be interested to hear why it is titled lane 34 though, maybe just because it needed one? Thanks for sharing,



  2. Ya know I can identify your work now just by looking at the photograph. Maybe it's all that sepia? :) I've been thinking of going to arcadia one of these days. This image really looks like it was taken in the late 1800's or something. I think because of the sepia toning, the vignehtting (sp?) on the edges and the strange depth of field. It certainly evokes a mood. Thanks for sharing





    You have some really good cat/people photos in your portfolio. I love cats and have several shots of mine in my portfolio if you care to take a look. They aren't the easiest of subjects to photograph, but you have done a fine job of it. Thanks for sharing.



    Ash Tray


    but that's what makes all those red striped really pop! The green boothes seem pretty dark and therefore sort of muted, yet the reds are VERY alive in contrast to it. I think it works, however I find the image to be a little too small to appreciate the ashtray, without the title I may have thought it was just a small bowl. I do like the repeating patterns going on and the ashtray just adds enough "differentness" to the image. Well seen, regards,



  3. What did I see? Well, the title told me it was a cutaway, and I could obviously see the piano keys, so I had a pretty good idea, however, with only the photograph and no prior or extensive knowledge of pianos, I had no clue about the rarity of the subject. So, without that key piece of information I rated on what I saw and what I knew. So, I judged this photo on the "usual" aspects such as lighting, composition, etc. and that's where the image fell flat to me. I would suspect that people will either skip over a photograph that isn't a quick read as you mentioned, or perhaps give it average marks. Maybe I didn't spend enough time looking at this, not sure. I do think if the image were that of say a 6 legged horse, I would have known it's rarity right off the bat, so there is a stumbling block of not knowing enough about pianos to key into it's rarity. I agree with your comment about people being attracted to what they know, and I think this is just human nature. It's more comfortable that way. I think I will seek out some challenging images and spend some more time with them, thanks. Your critique of one of my old skateboarding pictures is very appropriate for this discussion..."Again . . . my interest and familiarity with skateboarding is nil, but has nothing to do with this critique." I could say the same for my critique of your photograph. I judged on what I knew and what was presented in front of me. Just a thought....would your rating of my photograph been any different if you knew that the skatebaord he is riding is a one of kind? (It isn't of course) I'm not trying to be cantankerous (sp?) just posing some questions.




    Hati Saya


    A little too dark on the one side of the kitten's face. Also, I find the "stuff" in the bottom of the frame distracting, I would have liked to see a version if posible with them gone. This is on the right track though, nice images and thanks for sharing. I love cats, take a look at a few of mine if you like or have the time, thanks



    One more time


    Maybe a litle bit of space between the horses would have helped this image a tad, not really sure. Of course I know you couldn't go pose them, but just a thought anyway.



  4. Thanks for taking the time to rate my photograph. Can you elaborate on why you gave it a 3/3? Did a skateboarder break your heart, maybe you slipped and fell on a skatebaord as a kid, or maybe you just don't like blue hats?


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