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Image Comments posted by toddlaffler

    - My Tiger -


    Great shot, I only wish the catch lights in the cats eyes were just a bit smaller. but I like the lighting in this a lot. I like how the cat seems to be emerging out of the darkness. I also like how the color of the eyes pop out. Thanks for sharing



    Turn Signal


    Carl, well, yet another fine "abstract". I use the term abstract in quotes like that because I know what it is, so I guess technically it's not an abstract. Let's call it an isolated detail of a larger subject? hmm not sure. Anyway, I really like the colors on this one, complementary colors of orange and blue are appealing. I also like the composition in this too, however the bit of perfectionist in me wants to see that right hand piece be at a perfect 90 degree angle (even though it probably wasn't that way in the original subject as that would throw off the angle on the turn signal light). Anyway, great photograph, and thanks for sharing it with us.



    Yellow in fog


    Scott, first I'd like to say, welcome aboard. Secondly, go bigger. I think you can sefely post images that are roughly twice as large as this. Maybe 500 pixels by 700 pixels for a vertical format. It's a little too small to appreciate fully I think. I can't tell if the leaves are sharp or not as you mentioned due to the small size. I like the limited color palet in this one, and the fog certainly does add a mood to it. I also like the slightly cuved patches of yellow across the image, it looks very painterly. Have you tried cropping out the tree on the far left altogether. Try it and see what happens. It may not work at all but it's worth a shot, it might make the image stronger on my opinion. I just feel like I want to see the entire width of the trunk of that tree or none of it at all. Anyway, nice image overall and thanks fro sharing...post more!




    PS, go to the ratings tab on this image and when you see my name click on the link, that's my newer portfolio. I looked at your comments on my old portfolio, thanks for the input. I've kind of abandoned that portfolio though.

    Missing Mirror


    Carl, this is a really nice detail of the larger subject. I especially like the lines, textures, shapes, and subtle colors in it. However, for some reason I feel it would be a stronger image with out that top right dark area. When I crop it out with my finger I like the image even more so. To me, it's a "void" in the photograph where my eye keeps focusing on and gets lost. For my tastes, it adds too much of the third dimension for an image like this, if that makes sense. I prefer these types of images to almost be completely 2 dimensional in nature. Well, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. :) Thanks for sharing,



  1. That might have been a nicer title? :) I really like the "motion" that is created in this photograph. I think there is a lot of potential here. Maybe a different time of day would be better, not sure. IT seems a tad flat to me in tonal range for some reason, and I'm not sure about including so much foreground. I think you can experiment a lot here with different lighting,camera angles, lenses etc. and come up with something really nice. Just make sure if you reshoot it that there is a good sky similar to the one you've got here. Overall, nice image, thanks for sharing,



  2. Nice idea, but in my opinion your subjects are just too far away from the camera or not enough zoom on them. I would also crop out the house on the right side and also a bit from the left, would make this a stronger image in my opinion too. Thanks for sharing,



  3. Without the black border this would be a very different image. Personally I think I would have liked an even closer up view of the sails. It's a nice image overall though. Thanks for sharing,



    After the Sunset


    This is a really nice image. I like the composition and the lighting. Have you tried cropping the right most pole out and a little off the top, maybe just below that top yellow light? Just a thought. Thanks for sharing,





    This is lit really nicely, however, I find the top right way too overexposed and overall the focus seems a little soft for my liking. I do like the image overall. Perhaps try again with my comments in mind, I'd like to see the results. Thanks for sharing,



    canyon wall


    Donna, thanks for commenting on my Bryce shot. Yours is very stunning to say the least. I think it's difficult to get an original shot there because it's been photographed to death. I think you've done a really nice job though here. I like the contrast of it and how that second piece "fits" into the foreground piece. Really nice light and curves. I know what you mean about the crouds too, I felt like nature's paparazzi (sp?) when I was there.Great shot, thanks for sharing it with us. Cheers,


  4. Not a terribly interesting still life in my opinion. But it looks like there is some potential. Have you tried zooming much closer, and isolating a few details from say 3 boards? I think that would make for a better photo. Maybe the yellow one on the left, tan in the middle and red on the right, just a thought. Thanks for sharing





    Mooney Falls Trail


    I wish that chain handrail wasn't there ugh! I'm sure you'll hear a lot of that. Otherwise it's a very pleasing photograph. I was at the grand canyon last month but dind't have time to hike to this spot. Thanks for sharing, Cheers,



  5. Interesting perspective here, however that top right corner is very problematic to me. Have you tried a tighter crop, perhaps a square format to help emphasize the shapes. I think that would help quite a bit. You alos might want to pump up the contrast a little to re-enforce the graphic nature of your subject matter. Hope that helps some. Cheers,



  6. This has the makings of a really nice photograph, if ony there was some kind of sky. Also I would punch up the contrast some, it looks a little flat in my opinion. I really like the perspective in this shot, and I also like his bike. It's a strong composition. Cheers,



    Autumn Rose


    Really nice color selection here. The blue and orange compliment one another, makes it very pleasing to the eye. Great lighting too, I'm just not sure about the composition. Maybe too much darkeness at the top? *shrugs* Nice shot overall. Cheers,





    This is a fine macro in my opinion. I like the bland green background and the in your face pose of this insect. The sharpness on the part that is in focus is stunning and lighting is pretty good too. Nice job. Cheers,



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