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Image Comments posted by toddlaffler

  1. ...no pun intended, yuck yuck. Carl, see, I knew there was something that was keeping me from enjoying this image, it's my lack of understanding and general disinterest with the piano. I see Dave knew what this was, and therefore, appreciated its rarity a million fold more than I did. No offense Carl, but if even you the photographer thinks this image (neglecting the rarity of the subject) is fair, as I do, do you think the people who rated 6 and above knew what this was or how rare it was? Just a thought. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I sometimes think people are rating the Photographer and not so much the photograph presented before them. There is no real way of knowing this but I would love to see these same other 11 people rate this photograph not knowing who took it. Just as a curious sociological experiment. Again, no disrespect to you or your abilities as a photographer, but I just thought I would pose this question.



  2. I rated this photo from the "Critique Photos" menu so I didn't see what kind of ratings this got or any comments prior to me rating/commenting. I then clicked on the image to bring up the info ratings/comments etc. and saw that I gave it one of the lowest marks out of the 12. I still feel the photo is "Average". It just doesn't do anything for me. I don't know why I feel compelled to comment twice now though :)



  3. Carl, the lighting looks a little flat to me. I also find that (at least at this size) there isn't enough detail in the shot, my eyes are a bit confused. Maybe it's because I don't know the inards of a piano like you do, *shrugs*.
  4. Roger, thanks for rating/commenting on some of my photographs. I figured I'd stop by and take a look at what interests you. Personally, I like your more abstract images. That's just my personal tastes. I like very simple and graphic images.

    I've tried photographing old cars once when I was staying in Santa Fe NM when unbeknownst to me a group of old Alfa Romeos from the 20's and 30's rolled into town. I know how difficult it can be to photograph old cars from that one experience. You don't have any say in the lighting, things can be overly shiny and overexposed, the backgrounds can be busy and distractive, and the hoards of poeple in the way too. I have one shot that turned out decent, it's in my cross country folder. It's somewhat abstract though. I like this photograph you have here, isolating a small detail. The color does look a tinge "off" though, van't quite put my finger on it though. Parts of it look too contrasty and other parts look a little washed out. *shrugs* Anyway, keep shooting and posting. By the way, I noticed you are from OZ, I'm from the states but have a fascination with the didgeridoo. I've been playing for 2 years and have several already. I'll stop babbling now, sorry about that.





    The first thing this photo made me do was smile and chuckle. Thank you. First of all, my mind thinks up all kinds of wacky scenarios with which this circumstance might take place. It's absurd, which I like about it. Secondly, it's all over her body and she is blowing a small section away is even more absurd, which I like even better! Great shot, very comical. I also like how you managed to catch a little bit of whatever is on her as it gets blown off her shoulder. Thanks for sharing this one.





    This almost looks like a corporate head shot of sorts, and I don't mean that in a bad way either :) She looks VERY serious with those persed lips. Interesting shot, thanks for sharing



    Art Student


    Stephen, you mentioned that the subject is clearly an art aficianado, however I'm not so sure I would deduce that with out your comment, although I don't think it's totally necessary to know that anyway. I wonder if you have tried cropping the man out in the background. It would be a tight crop on the subject but I think I would like it better that way. If I cover hiim up with a finger on the monitor I get a nicer triangular composition happening with the 3 women. Try and see what you think, worth a shot. Nice photo overall, thanks for sharing,



    Jedi Chess


    Thanks everyone who took the time to rate my photo, and especially to those that left comments. This was fun to make from concept to finished product and am glad it was so well recieved.





    I knew I recognized those types of houses. I grew up in Edison and that's the very first thing I thought of when I saw this photo. Funny huh? Anyway, I like your photo here, except it's a little too flat, not enough contrast. Also try cropping from the right just past the basketball hoop and see if you like it better. Thanks for sharing,



  5. If so you might consider doing a portrait of him next to a shiny bowling ball, just a thought. Thanks for commenting on my "Stalefish" photo, I left some info for you on it. Thanks again,





    Thanks for the comment. Actually I do remember, it was a 16mm Sigma fish eye on a Ricoh body. I used to have my own skateboarding magazine called "Fish Eye" in highschool. My father was a printer :) And yes I have submitted to Transworld Skateboarding Magazine in 1990 and they used one of my images full page for an article. I was SO happy, but looking back I think they ripped me off, they only paid $50 for a full page B&W. Oh well, I still treasure it though. Thanks again,





    I really like the symetry in this image. It is very well balanced and composed. Kudos to you on that. I also like how the man is completely oblivious to the woman who appears to be down and out (no pun intended). Have you tried it with cropping just below the top set of lights, just curious to see if that works better or not. Just a thought. Thanks for sharing,



  6. Very nice capture however the dog in the foreground and the one in the way background distract very much from the overall photo. I know it was probably difficult to shoot them (photographically of course) so I imagine you couldn't really pose them around but as I stated those two faceless out of focus dogs take away from this otherwise really nice photogrpah. Thanks for sharing,



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