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Image Comments posted by vrankin

    San Juan Stray

    The brick pattern, orange motif, light, highlight on pavement, and silhouette of the cat are all excellently interplayed. No wonder this received a top international award. I am in awe.

    Twiddling Zebras

    I agree, and I've rated it a 7 for originality. This image has real stopping power, maybe because it is at first visually confusing... which is exactly why zebras may have evolved the stripes: to confound big CATS.

    Hopeman Rocks


    Ian: I really like this image as it is. I wonder whether there's also something special here in another way: a landscape orientation of the top portion. -Hope it's okay that I took the liberty to do another...



    This is very tender and esthetically well done. I especially appreciate the soft lighting and sepia tone. Your subjects were communicating a special intimacy that is comforting. Thank you!


    The saturation of the greens doesn't bother me. At times I have seen them almost this intense in reality. This photo is much more. It is a metaphor at the same time that it is a very well executed technical piece. The light, the path and the many stately trees are all very inviting.
  1. I like the subject and pose. Perhaps you intend a soft and slightly majenta rendition. What do you think about the possibility of adjusting the levels and tint? Here's something I tried...



    This is a wreck that almost speaks! The monochrome background sets it off nicely. I am particularly drawn to old machines that seem to possess personalities. Well done!

    The ploughman

    I find the levels of exposure and contrast perfect, just as you made them. This is one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen at Photo.net. I, too am using a basic Kodak digital camera (DX4530) and find the simplicity helps my seeing. But you have mastered it. I will be looking for you on Photo.net often!

    The shepard

    I think "shepherd" is the spelling. Anyway, this is a very pastoral scene - a classic theme that has been depicted in art, music, and literature for many centuries. The pastoral theme touches something deeply in many people across cultures. I find the composition very pleasant and like the lighting effects. This is serene, an image of nurture and safety in a world largely lacking such experiences.
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