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Image Comments posted by vrankin

    Old Couple

    This photo works for me because it is an unusual approach to the rural landscape. The compelling elements are hues (late day diffused light?), stacked perspective, lack of horizon, and interplay of textures. The eye is rewarded with a rich compositional interplay. Thank you!

    Nature's Painting

    Tom: You found a very good combination of complementary saturated colors. The building's lines and neutral tones are pleasing, and nicely off-center. This is a classic! The only slight weakness might be an overall lack of sharpness. I'm guessing it was handheld at a longer focal length setting.
  1. I was immediately taken by the saturated green color, as if it was the subject in itself. Only secondly I wondered what the object was. At first it looked like a rusty propeller blade dipped in paint, until I realized that it was a keyhole and its cover. Ambiguous subject qualities made a very strong photo experience happen for me as the viewer. Thank you!

    South Haven Sunset

    When going through a number of new ratings for photos tonight this one was my favorite. The star effect in the lights is beautifully done. You also captured the perfect exposure for the horizon line. Finally, the composition is dynamically balanced. I really was drawn to this photo.

    Thinking Cat

    Greg: The eyes, especially the catchlight in the right eye, and the whiskers really caught my attention. Excellent plane of focus, and framing. On-camera flash could have used some help from another light source. It would've added texture to the fur, and balanced the lighting. Overall, very good! I'd guess that your cat was slightly bored, but putting up with being photographed. What a personality!
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