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Image Comments posted by vrankin



    I love the excellent light. You placed the values just right! I wonder if less foreground would enhance the strongest elements of this image, and I took the liberty of cropping an example. Thank you for sharing a wonderful image!


    Frog 001

    However you did it with the subject, posture, color and background, this is a great shot! 7/7 This little critter has personality!


    I love what you've done with this image, and would like to know more about how you worked with it in camera, and with post processes. I'm just getting acquainted with a D70.


    I actually like the haze effect, because it gives a greater impression of distance. The colors and leading lines are this photo's strengths for me. The boosted reds are especially nice.

    Blair christmas


    My first subjective impression is that I wish I could've been there, so this photo works for me.

    The first eye stopping elements were the colors in sky and snow, followed by the delicate,

    undisturbed snow on the branches, and, yes, the rail and three posts in the foreground. I

    think they're an effective element of the composition and add a needed foreground element

    and a sense of depth to the scene. Having been out at sunrise in winter, I appreciate how

    fortunate and unusual this capture is.


    Very dynamic! Composition, corner placement of primary colors, light effects on stone and "grittiness" all contribute to the sense of a documentary image.
  1. Matt: This photo is the best illustration of Venice I've ever seen, an easy 7/7. Thanks, for your response to my thread about finally buying a DSLR. I've visited your portfolio. You are a master. Thanks, for the inspiration.

    Loch Etive

    Since 2003 I've looked at probably thousands of landscape images at this site. Overall, for me this particular image and others in your portfolio represent the best! 7/7

    Crater Lake

    Your determination and creativity have paid off for you, and for all of us viewing this masterpiece. It's probably the best landscape I've seen on PN since 2003. Sevens, and congrats!


    The quintessential autumn landscape.... all the colors, leading line, wonderful water movement. I'm guessing that you took the tripod along. Time to blow the dust from mine and take it out, today. Sunshine and peak colors are here, as well. 7/7 - Congratulations, on a wonderful capture!
  2. I, too love the framing. The color is beautiful. It's refreshing to see a shot without blocked up highlights and blank shadows. I'm wondering how you achieved the film-like tonal range. Some atmospheric haze is present, but you have it within the limits of the sensor's tonal range (or was it from post processing?) Wonderful capture!

    The Beer

    Wonderful light and positioning of waiter and drinks. Is the woman annoyed with the photographer? It adds a bit of tension to an otherwise warm and possibly romantic scene.


    Most striking to me is the simplicity of the subject and the modulation of color from left to right. I would like to be in this beautiful place!
  3. Well done... I've tried to do these a number of times, not as effectively. You've held the color and tonal range without blowing the highlights. Good subject placement, a bit off-center. It brings a little tension with the right edge, rather than being dead center.
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