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Everything posted by steve_renwick

  1. Previous advice is good, to which I would add: - What mix of XTOL do you find generally gives appropriate results? Mixed 1:1 with water, develop for ~7 minutes. - Do you wash the film in tank with distilled water between usage of each chemicals? Nope. - How long can I store the XTOL mixture in the container for future usage? I'm not sure, but six months is too long. Never mind how I know that :-).
  2. >> I was given a Hasselblad 500cm from a friend that has sat for months on a shelf in my living room because I don't have a light meter, and haven't had the courage to take a stab at guessing exposures without one.<< Months?? Impolite though this may sound ... Seriously, chief, your priorities are in the wrong order. Guessing exposure requires practice, not courage. Load up some Tri-X, use the sunny-16 rule, and just do it. So you mis-expose a few frames. Who the hell cares? That's how you learn. You don't have to show anybody the contact sheets. Guessing exposure with print film shot outdoors is about as difficult as driving a car with a stick shift. With a little practice, anyone can do it.
  3. <p>>> If this is b&w and you're processing it it could be <a id="itxthook0" href="/beginner-photography-questions-forum/00dFPe?unified_p=1" rel="nofollow">developer<img id="itxthook0icon" src="http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png" alt="" /></a> streaking through the sprocket holes into the image area due to uneven agitation.<<<br> Henry,<br> Is it typically due to *uneven* agitation or over agitation? </p>
  4. <p>If possible, rent a D3 for a weekend and see how you like it.</p>
  5. <p>How about, "Let's talk and I'll give you a price quote."</p>
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