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Image Comments posted by ewanshears

    Flying High Again


    Watching these guys wakeboarding on the cable (pully system) is

    amazing - the 'air' that they can get without the wake of a boat to

    jump off (normal wakeboarding which i struggle with!) is something

    else... The key is 'loading the line' (tension) using a progressive

    carve then just poping up out and away.... apparently....

    Carve, Pop, Flip!


    Watching these guys wakeboarding on the cable (pully system) is

    amazing - the 'air' that they can get without the wake of a boat to

    jump off (normal wakeboarding which i struggle with!) is something

    else... The key is 'loading the line' (tension) using a progressive

    carve then just poping up out and away.... apparently....

  1. thanks Gerald - do you think that being centred ruins the picture? i wanted to have the line-judge, ball boy and scoreboard in the shot... i feel these elements balance it? I could crop it but do prefer the full frame... i try to shoot what i feel looks good and let photography rules look after themselves... more often than not (but not always) i find the rules fit in with the photographs not the other way round... thanks for the comment it has got me thinking...
  2. Thanks Stephen may attempt to bing some more light to the face in ps but i think the detail may not come out? Next time i'll have the ball boy stand there with a reflector! Thanks for your comments.
  3. Any comments would be appreciated - not tried much sports photography

    until the last few weeks (i prefer to be playing, however they

    wouldn't let me play at Wimbledon this year so i packed away my

    racket and served up a few shots with my camera instead)... a digital

    set-up with a faster lens would be nice...


    I'm not sure if this is a little dark - i tried to lighten it but

    prefer it like this...



    I took this on the Cable Wakeboard set-up at Princes Club.... the

    light was falling nicely and i wanted to try out some action shots

    that i do find quite hard to achieve with the equipment i have - lots

    of pre-focusing and i had a few pleasing results.... any comments

    would be appreciated.

  4. Again this is a great shot. This has been cropped? But the crop realy does bring this shot out... the tramlines perfectly framing the serving arm and racket and the placement of the lines in the square format perfect... i love the contrast too with the players face and body clearly in the sun and the darker green grass in the shade giving a sense of depth and highlighting the subject... tip top son... K
  5. Well what can i say 'Nikos' - i was there with you but this is a brilliantly framed shot... i can testify that this is the full frame as i saw it on the camera... Humour, Style and elegance... the bouncing ball balances the other and works well with the line of the dress... Well done son... you'll have to wait for my slides to come back from the lab to compare (not all of us have gone digital yet... although i was very jealous of you yesterday!)! This is a Cracking Shot, Kodak.
  6. Really good anticipation and placment of the ball - a great action shot! I would like to have seen the Stela Artois sign in the right-hand side of the frame for balance and occasion. Great Shot. I would say 'Ace' shot but he is clearly returning the ball!
  7. Thanks DJ the Lick i now know how to put a Boarder around photos in

    PS other than the black one i always leave when scanning Slides... i

    know it's not rocket science but it gives me something else to play


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