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Image Comments posted by arashdejkam


    Good job Niaz! nice composition. I think you overdid the sharpening and made those lines on the neck look unnatural, anyway it is a very good portrait in my opinion.


    Good job Emil! nice portrait, the effect works very well too, I think both original and cropped versions are interesting.



    Hi Rasoul! I love this idea, if you can correct some technical issues this can be an excellent shot in my opinion. The photo is underexposed and lacks contrast, the cards should be sharper and colors are a bit off (blue cast), see the attachment.

  1. Hi Ray! The light was a hot light very close to the subject which happened to be me ;) those are the legs of my piano seat, I was lying on the seat had my minolta placed on the ground prefocused a bit farther from the pears and the remote cable release was in my hand, the camera you see in the picture is a Pentax K1000 which is quite heavy for holding like that!! tried this 2-3 times each time 4-5 shots and back to the shooting camera to review the photos, I was really soaking in sweat after this last shot! it was a kind of self-torture ;)

    Too sad for words

    One of those rare shots that I don't care about it's technical flaws like softness, it's full of emotion and strikes the viewer immediately, thanks for sharing Jerry! by the way, I think the green cast is not a flaw, it works in conjunction with the green wall behind.


    :))) I saw the thumbnail of this photo many times in past days each time I said to myself "Damn! what strange creatures are in the world that I've not seen yet, I need to do more travelling" today clicked on the thumbnail and read your comment and started rolling on the floor :)) very well executed!
  2. That is what I was thinking about just after writing my previous comment, at 400mm end he could have about 100m distance to take this shot, but! that doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the photo it is still professional and perfect. the photo was able to give me the feeling of risk and fear without being much risky in reality thats a strong point!


    I like this Bob ;) very original and funny indeed, using the simplest shapes possible for the eyes and the mouth is witty and works very well. I just hope the portrait you worked on had better quality, it looks too blurry.
  3. I like this :) their expressions is almost like humans, were you on the long 200mm end in this shot? if yes with 1.4x extender you had about 7 meters distance from them and it's very interesting how they were looking right into the lens from that distance! seems they were very interested in what you were doing :))


    Hi Amir! good shot, nicely composed but would you please correct the "exposure location" do we have any sea in Tehran ? :) it is Shomal isn't it?
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