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Image Comments posted by arashdejkam


    Hi Tuhin! Thanks for your comment. in this shot one of my hands was on the camera button and the other one dripping ink with a syringe in the glass, if I try to do what you say you can imagine what a disaster may happen unless I do it in bathroom with an assistant ;)
  1. Hi Durr, I was wondering how many photos you have of these two nice girls! it's about a year now that I see you post a new photo of them every now and then ;) anyway just wanted to tell you that most of them are great photos. keep posting!

    Alina VI

    Idea, execution, model and the crop are all very good the only problem is that model's pose and expression are very unnatural.


    Love your composition, its hard to find an original landscape like this one in PNet these days. Thanks Don for sharing.

    Rose Bud

    Hi Andy, I don't understant your language, what exactly do you want to learn? if it's the selective desaturation this is what I do: In photoshop add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, in the drop down list choose Reds (if you want to keep color in reds) invert the selection in the color bar at the bottom of the dialog box, pull the saturation slider to -100, refine your selection. In this photo I also added another H/S adj. layer with the master saturation set to -100 and layer mask to clean things up.
  2. Perfectly done, excellent lighting, expressions and timing,... you made the mood very well, immediately took me to my childhood when we used to try to act like grown ups and do forbidden deeds (not necessarily smoking ;) I think we looked even more serious than the boy in the picture ;) The best word about this photo is what Linda said: Very powerful.

    Rose Bud


    Usually I don't like selective desaturation but it was badly working on this photo couldn't avoid ;) what do you think?


    your comment is highly appreciated.

  3. The expression of the boy is very very interesting but this composition doesn't lead my eye to the subject. I think if you could shoot from left having the mother blurred and close to the camera in the foreground and the boy sharp in background it would have been a fantastic shot, but I know talking is always much easier than actually shooting specially in such candid shots which needs no disturbance from the photographer.

    Little boy

    I really like this one, the best in three photos you posted with this subject, interesting expression, good light on the face, nice composition and excellent use of wide angle.

    Music of my soul

    George, with all those great photos you have in your portfolio I was even not sure if this is really made by you. I saw this when you first posted it but didn't write a comment. but now after I see it in highest rated photos of all times (!) I can't help writing these words. Yes, your very good photoshop skills is undeniable in this work but the idea and the subject is nothing more than a very cheap cliche in my opinion, this is not even worth putting on the cover of a commonplace popular book, I don't rate this because I don't want to bring down your visibility but this is not more than a 4/4 for me. I hope you're open to critique and hope to see less photos like this and more like your other mostly great works on photo.net.

    Holy cow

    This is the magic of photography it can make a naturally ugly thing to something extremely pleasing to the eye. not to mention how much talent is needed in the brain behind the camera to produce such a great and rare photo. I also love your composition. keep up the good work Pawel.



    This is refill ink of my old inkjet printer dripping in a glass ;) only played with curves in PS to blow the highlight.


    Any comment is highly appreciated.

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