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Image Comments posted by philip_hartlieb

  1. This is another shot of the ticket counter. In this case I left the

    intersection in at the bottom right. I could not decide whether or

    not i liked the repeated intersection from top-left to bottom right

    or the cleaner version where this is eliminated (ticket counter-1).

    Please comment if you have the time. Thanks for looking...ph


    It's nice how this piece is deceptively simple....I also like how you incorporated clean (water line), textured (steps), and s-curve lines (water shadow) all in the same composition. Taken together I like how they run my eye around the photo...It may (or may not) be more striking with added contrast towards the rear of the steps and in the jagged shadow in the water. I think you did a good job using a difficult lighting situation.


    okay...I've back to this one 3 times and I still can't completely figure out why this image is so pleasing to me...what I can say...the absence of scale is intriguing....the intersection at the top right seems to be a subtle keystone to the photo...the etchings that cross the photo are interesting against comparitively much stronger features...I like this one.
  2. This photo has a very interesting feeling to it...the position of the hands gives me the impression that the subject is at the top of his game...the blue print is testament to that as well...the empty seats in the sliver to left is great...the subject has skill and confidence but he is still playing to an empty house? Perhaps that's not it at all but it's just what I see...Aesthetically it's very good as well...


    I like this photo...the composition is very original....and you did a good job using the contrasting yellow on black to balance the other features....I just wish the holes were a bit more crisp at the top right. It also fits in well with the artifact theme.
  3. very beautiful capture....i like where the leaf is placed realtive to the light area on the left .....it's a totally tactile picture for me...i meant to use a 6 for Aes. but i don't know how to edit a rating...?


    Very interesting composition. The splotch of blue on the subjects socks really effects (affects?) the balance for me. The contrast in color and texture on the flat surfaces is great. Nice job on taking a 3d subject and flattening it to work well in 2d.
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