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Image Comments posted by philip_hartlieb


    great pic...like how the flower looks as if it has been cropped out of an old 8 mm movie...love flowers in foreboding light...imo i would say no to details in the face...the higlhlight on the nose is enough...it gives her a threatening look that goes well with the lighting you've put on the flowered section...
  1. This is my original work. I had previously photographed the side of an ambulance at a street fair in Chapel Hill. I next wanted to come up with a frame that would complement the photo so i started looking into what might be available at home improvement stores. I came across some treaded aluminum and took a picture of the sheet. I then scaled it as best I could and built a virtual frame in ps. This is what you see above. I just submitted the plans for the real frame to the machine shop today. If my calculations are right it should be close to what you see above. The treaded sheet wasn't thick enough so i backed it with a 3/4" piece of pine. A local shop will lay the glass and foam core. Thanks for looking. Hope this clears things up.



    interesting shot....no at all your typical children at play at the beach...i like how their backs are turned...and they're stuck in the pitch....gives the photo a tense feeling.
  2. Tom...thanks for taking time out to comment...i kind of liked the hrash lighting...in the edn i think i want to include these in a little presentation called something like "when walmart comes to town"...so for that i want to push the harsh lighting out there...i tweaked to color in ps by adjusting the hues and saturation...not too much..i just wanted a deeper red at the top right...thanks again for looking..pjh
  3. please comment on cropping and orientation...i've always had a bit

    of trouble satisfying my eye with horizontal and vertical skew...to

    get the comp. i wanted i had to shoot on an angle which makes a

    satisfying orientation tricky...thoughts?..thanks for looking..pjh


    imo the eye might have been even more striking a little bit more off center. an intense photo though. a realy original way to frame a creature that is usually so huge and overwhelming.
  4. comments on composition greatly appreciated. i was trying to convey

    how hot it was to be working under the sun that day so i contrasted

    it up a bit and did some color saturation. thanks for looking. pjh.

    End of summer...

    nice original take on a really familiar subject...i like the darkness with the petals fanned way back like that...i usually go right by the flower pics but this one is nice and fresh..imo.
  5. please comment on the lighting and framing if you have a minute. i

    had to burn in the light area on the right because i took this

    around noon. the light was pretty intense. thanks for looking..pjh

    church pews

    im not sure if this is appropriate for this forum...the photos have been heavily manipulated but im pleased with the result...composed from a shot taken at my god daughters christening
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