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Image Comments posted by philip_hartlieb

  1. i disagree whole heartedly with the unusually low ratings. the grain and lighting work great here. at first glance the photo looks as if it's subject is in abject poverty...next you pick up a crisp white shirt and a well manicured face. very interesting


    yep..the original had a brick red or maroon...i started playing with the sat, hue, and lighteness for red only...this color really appealed to me...it's been sharpened and cropped as well...thanks for checking it out...pjh


    thank you everyone for taking the time to comment...the foot was unintentional when i made the capture...i was so focused on other areas that i missed it...i decided to leave it because i enjoyed the contrast with the more abstract forms..i agree with the dead center comment...when i framed it up the first time i didn't leave myself to much room for cropping...i also didn't think it would be this nice so i split after snapping only a few...thanks for looking and rating everyone..


    If you have a moment please take the time to comment on the cropping and framing as compared to plant-1 in the same folder...thanks for looking. pjh
  2. Zlatko, i screwed the size up on the last post so i deleted the image...sorry to delete your rating..please comment on the more manageable image if you have time..thanks for looking..ph
  3. Comments on how a proper balance might be struck between the

    foreground and the range behind would be very helpful. Is it far too

    domiant in this case? Does it make the photo look distorted? Thanks

    for looking...pjh


    i really like how you have taken a subject that is usually dominated by color and made it just as interesting in BW....i also like how the motion takes me from the top right to the middle and back to the bottom right...the static leader is also interesting..
  4. great shot...a very original take on a familiar subject...the fact that the left arm is coming loose and the crucifix appears to be in a library makes this a totally loaded photo...
  5. the stern and imposing look of the subject almost betrays what is written on the board behind him...the lines drawing into the point almost immediately behind his head also raises interesting questions about the origin of religion and religious feelings...a totally loaded photo...fantastic capture..i really like the lighting as well...it's almost as if something is speaking through him off to his left..

    Single Pink

    This is a fantastic shot....I agree with the over feeling this photo stirs up..I especially like the 2 stoic looking flowers reflected at the bottom right...I like how it's kind of left up to the viewer to decide whether or not they're smug or sad...I also like how the muddied water works with the violet....nice job


    I like this composition....the subject placement and color works nicely...I also like how the horizon is indistinct..I think it changes the way I feel about the subject.
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